نتایج جستجو برای: hadron

تعداد نتایج: 17468  

D. K. Sinclair

Calculation of the hadron spectrum has been a central goal of Lattice QCD for 20 years. A precision calculation of the hadron spectrum would be a validation of QCD, and a validation of Lattice QCD as a calculational technique. It would give us con dence when we apply lattice QCD to calculating other quantities. In addition we would be able to clarify the nature of observed hadrons and predict w...

R. Engel

Hadron production in single and central diffraction dissociation is studied in a model which includes soft hadron interaction as controlled by a supercritical pomeron parametrization and hard diffraction. Hard diffraction is described using leading-order QCD matrix elements together with the parton distributions for the proton, the less well known photon parton densities and a conjectured parto...

F. Becattini

The hadron production in ee collisions is studied assuming that particles originate in a hadron gas at thermal and chemical equilibrium. The parameters of the hadron gas are determined with a fit to the average multiplicities of various hadron species measured at LEP and PEP-PETRA colliders. An impressive agreement is found between the predictions of this model and data for almost all particles...


The governing role of light-cone dynamics in inclusive heavy hadron decay processes is demonstrated. Nonperturbative QCD effects on the processes can be systematically calculated using light-cone expansion and heavy quark effective theory. The applications of the light-cone approach to studying electroweak and strong interactions and hadron structure with semileptonic and radiative decays of be...

K. Odagiri

HERWIG is a general-purpose Monte Carlo event generator, which includes the simulation of hard lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron scattering and soft hadron-hadron collisions in one package. It uses the parton-shower approach for initialand nal-state QCD radiation, including colour coherence e ects and azimuthal correlations both within and between jets. This article updates the des...

C. Merino

The RHIC data on charm production are compared with the kT -factorization approach predictions, both standard NLO QCD and FONLL. The calculated results underestimate the STAR Collaboration data. The role of possible nuclear effects is discussed. PACS numbers: 25.75.Dw, 13.87.Ce, 24.85.+p The investigation of heavy quark production in high energy collisions is an important method for studing the...


We analyze the centrality dependence of thermal parameters describing hadron multiplicities, hadron spectra and dilepton spectra in heavy-ion collisions at SPS and RHIC energies.

S. Aoki G. Boyd R. Burkhalter S. Ejiri M. Fukugita S. Hashimoto Y. Iwasaki K. Kanaya T. Kaneko Y. Kuramashi K. Nagai M. Okawa H. P. Shanahan A. Ukawa T. Yoshié

We report the final results of the CP-PACS calculation for the quenched light hadron spectrum with the Wilson quark action. Our data support the presence of quenched chiral singularities, and this motivates us to use mass formulae based on quenched chiral perturbation theory in order to extrapolate hadron masses to the physical point. Hadron masses and decay constants in the continuum limit sho...

Sudeshna Banerjee Sunanda Banerjee

A study of the CMS hadron calorimeter is presented using simulated events with single particles and jets. The impact of the outer hadron calorimeter has been looked into from the point of view of linearity, energy resolution and leakage of energy. The study shows a net improvement in missing pT measurements at LHC energies due to the addition of the outer hadron calorimeter. 1) Tata Institute o...

S. Kumano

Physics of spin-1 hadron is an unexplored topic in the high-energy region although spin-1/2 physics has been well investigated in the last decade. It is important to test our knowledge of hadron spin structure in a quite different field of spin physics. We discuss tensor structure functions, which do not exist for the spin-1/2 nucleon, in lepton scattering and in hadron reactions such as the po...

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