نتایج جستجو برای: ground effect

تعداد نتایج: 1767681  

V. A. Kuprievich O. L. Kapitanchuk

The results of calculations on static Jahn-Teller ground state splittings inicosahedral C 60 ðN 1⁄4 1; . . . ; 4Þ fullerene anions with different types of electron-electron interaction are presented. Multielectron states of anions are determined within a quasy-p-electronic model configuration interaction (CI) method for two active spaces of t1u and t1uþ t1g molecular orbitals. Electron–lattice ...

Wolfgang Häusler

The lowest eigenenergies of few, strongly interacting electrons in a one–dimensional ring are studied in presence of an impurity barrier. The persistent current I , periodic in an Aharonov–Bohm flux penetrating the ring, is strongly influenced by the electron spin. The impurity does not remove discontinuities in I at zero temperature. The total electron spin of the ground state oscillates with ...

A. S. Sørensen M. D. Lukin Mohammad Hafezi Anders S. Sørensen Mikhail D. Lukin Eugene Demler

We study Chern numbers to characterize the ground state of strongly interacting systems on a lattice. This method allows us to perform a numerical characterization of bosonic fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states on a lattice where conventional overlap calculation with known continuum case such as Laughlin state, breaks down. We calculate the Chern number by manipulating the twist angles of boun...

S. Hamieh A. Tawfik

The entanglement at finite temperatures are analyzed by using thermal models for colored quarks making up the hadron physical states. We have found that these quantum correlations entirely vanishes at Tc ≥ mq/ ln(1.5). For temperatures larger than Tc the correlations are classical. Also we worked out the entanglement for the transverse Ising spin chain. In dependence on both temperature T and t...

Mahendra Sinha Roy

A new scheme has been proposed to solve the B. E. condenstates in terms of Green’s function approach. It has been shown that the radial wave function of two interacting atoms, moving in a common harmonic oscillator potential modified by an effctive interaction, satisfies an intregral equation whose kernel is separable. The solution of the integral equation can be written in terms of the harmoni...

M. Schechter Y. Imry Y. Levinson

We calculate the orbital magnetic response to Aharonov Bohm flux of disordered metallic rings with attractive pairing interaction. We consider the reduced BCS model, and obtain the result as an expansion of its exact solution to first order in the interaction. We emphasize the connection between the large magnetic response and the finite occupation of high energy levels in the many-body ground ...

Kent M. Ervin Joe Ho C. Lineberger

The 351.1-nm (3.532-eV) photoelectron spectrum of the nitrite anion (NO,) is reported. The electron affinity of NO2 is found to be 2.273 f 0.005 eV, which leads to the heat of formation AfHoo(NOJ = -183.4 f 0.9 k.J/fiol(-43.8 * 0.2 kcal/mol). Vibrational progressions of the symmetric stretch and bending modes of nitrogen dioxide, N02(X2AI), are observed up to 8000 cm-’ above the ground state. O...

Mark L. Polak

We have recorded the 35 1 nm photoelectron spectra of Bi; , Bi; , and Bi; . The spectrum of Bi; shows transitions to at least seven electronic states of Bi, neutral, four of which are observed with vibrational resolution. Term energies, bond lengths, and vibrational frequencies are obtained for the anion ground state and for the first three excited states of Bi, . These results are compared to ...

Shi-Jie Yang Yue Yu Jin-Bin Li

We study the fractional quantum Hall states in the tilted magnetic field. A many-particle wavefunction of the ground state , which is similar to that of Laughlin's, is constructed in the Landau gauge. We show that in the limit of thermodynamics, the concept of composite fermion is still valid in presence of the in-plane field. Recently, two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in tilted magnetic ...

A. L. Cole T. S. Anderson R. G. T. Zegers Sam M. Austin B. A. Brown L. Valdez S. Gupta

Background: Electron-capture reaction rates on medium-heavy nuclei are an important ingredient for modeling the late evolution of stars that become core-collapse or thermonuclear supernovae. The estimation of these rates requires the knowledge of Gamow-Teller strength distributions in the β+ direction. Astrophysical models rely on electron-capture rate tables largely based on theoretical models...

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