نتایج جستجو برای: dīn ṭūsī

تعداد نتایج: 238  

Journal: :Kader 2022

Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin (öl. 606/1210) bazı eserlerinde naklî/lafzî delillerin zan bildirdiğine yönelik bir anlatı mevcuttur. Bu iddia, eserlerde sayısı değişmekle birlikte ortalama on öncül ile temellendirilerek teori olarak vazedilmektedir. teoriye göre deliller sırasıyla (ⅰ) dilin kendisinden kaynaklı, (ⅱ) dili kullananın kullanımından kaynaklı ve (ⅲ) dinleyicinin anlamasından olan durumlar se...

Journal: :Eskiyeni 2023

Hz. Muhammed’in hayatı başta sahabe ve sonraki dönemlerdeki Müslümanlar olmak üzere günümüze kadar insanların dikkatini her zaman çekmiştir. İlk dönemlerden itibaren Peygamberin siyerini öğrenme öğretme çabasıyla eserler kaleme almaya çalışmıştır. Bu çalışmalar neticesinde ilk ortaya çıkmıştır. Özellikle Abbâsîler döneminden başlayarak artan siyer yazıcılığında telif edilen eserlerin sayısı Mem...

Journal: :Samarah : jurnal hukum keluarga dan hukum Islam 2023

This study aims to explore and analyze al-Buti's thoughts on maslahah (public interest) its application issued by world-prominent Fatwa Institutions, namely Ḍār al-Iftā al-Miṣriyah in Egypt, al-‘Irāqiyah Iraq, al-Majlis al-Islamī al-Sūrī Syria. The research adopts a normative method, employing conceptual, literary, sociological approaches that is analyzed descriptively. findings of this focus t...

Journal: :Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 2021

We examine a hitherto unstudied debate, turning on the epistemology of value judgements, between Ashʿarīs and Baṣran Muʿtazilīs late eleventh twelfth centuries. Al-Ghazālī al-Rāzī countered Muʿtazilī ethical realism, here defended by al-Malāḥimī, developing an emotive subjectivism underpinned increasingly sophisticated psychological accounts motivation. Value they maintained, arise not from kno...

Journal: :Ilahiyat Studies 2023

This study examines Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī’s work al-Muḥarrar in the context of its place literature aḥādīth al-aḥkām/ḥadīths legal status. The first part provides information about life al-Hādī, a member famous Qudāmah family, followed by his scholarly personality and works. second presents an in-depth, critical analysis comprehensive evaluations al-Muḥarrar. In this context, underresearched issue i...

Journal: :Belleten 2021

Aim of this study was to determine whether Vesalius and Valverde influenced Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī considering the figures several statements in Tashrīḥ al-Abdān wa Tarjamān Qibāla Faylasūfān. The illustrated copies ʿItāqī’s book were examined compared those Galen’s, Avicenna’s, Vesalius’s, Valverde’s works, then findings evaluated. contains some only from and/or but there is no new explanation re...

Journal: :Religions 2023

While most traditional works on the life of Prophet Muḥammad focus how his ostensible teachings and actions can be used as a template for human conduct, thirteenth-century Sufi thinker, Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (d. 638/1240), turns attention to spiritual significance inner reality Muḥammad. Ibn argues that seal prophets, was not only given Qur’an, which incorporated elements from previous revela...

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