نتایج جستجو برای: composite fermion

تعداد نتایج: 132842  

Nir Polonsky

Grand unified theories often predict unification of Yukawa couplings (e.g., h b = h τ), and thus certain relations among fermion masses. The latter can distinguish these from models that predict only coupling constant unification. The implications of Yukawa couplings of the heavy-family in the supersymmetric extension of the standard model (when embedded in a GUT) are discussed. In particular, ...

M. Combescot F. Dubin M. A. Dupertuis

M. Combescot, F. Dubin, and M. A. Dupertuis INSP–Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Université Pierre et Marie Curie–CNRS, 140 rue de Lourmel, 75015 Paris, France ICFO–Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, Mediterranean Technology Park, E-08860 Castelldefels, Spain Laboratoire d’Optoélectronique Quantique et Laboratoire de Physique des Nanostructures, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)...

D. Taubert G. J. Schinner C. Tomaras H. P. Tranitz W. Wegscheider S. Ludwig

A three-terminal device based upon a two-dimensional electron system is investigated in the regime of nonequilibrium transport. Excited electrons scatter with the cold Fermi sea and transfer energy and momentum to other electrons. A geometry analogous to a water jet pump is used to create a jet pump for electrons. Because of its phenomenological similarity we name the observed behavior the “ele...

Kazunori Itakura

We investigate dynamical symmetry breaking of the Gross-Neveu model in the lightfront formalism without introducing auxiliary fields. While this system cannot have zeromode constraints, we find that a nontrivial solution to the constraint on nondynamical spinor fields is responsible for symmetry breaking. The fermionic constraint is solved by systematic 1/N expansion using the boson expansion m...

A. V. Gulov V. V. Skalozub

In the Yukawa model with two different mass scales the renormalization group equation is used to obtain relations between scattering amplitudes at low energies. Considering fermion-fermion scattering as an example, a basic one-loop renormalization group relation is derived which gives possibility to reduce the problem to the scattering of light particles on the ”external field” substituting a h...

Frithjof Karsch Martin Lütgemeier

We analyze the finite temperature phase diagram of QCD with fermions in the adjoint representation. The simulations performed with four dynamical Majorana fermions show that the deconfinement and chiral phase transitions occur at two distinct temperatures. While the deconfinement transition is first order at T d we find evidence for a continuous chiral transition at a higher temperature T c ≃ 8...

K. Ishikawa

We investigate four-fermion interactions with N -component fermion in Einstein universe for arbitrary space-time dimensions (2 ≤ D < 4). It is found that the effective potential for composite operator ψψ is calculable in the leading order of the 1/N expansion. The resulting effective potential is analyzed by varying the curvature of the space-time and is found to exhibit the symmetry restoratio...

E. Abdalla

The exact operator solutions of two-dimensional anomaly-free chiral abelian gauge theories are obtained. We show that anomalycancellation conditions arise as consistency requirements of these solutions. For a certain class of flavour symmetries, fermion condensates are constructed. These are shown to violate the fermion-number conservation rule. The models are extended to include massive fermio...


In analogy with the notion of the composite semi-valuations, we deene the composite G-valuation v from two other G-valuations w and u. We consider a lexicographically exact sequence (a;) : Au ! Bv ! Cw and the composite G-valuation v of a eld K with value group Bv. If the assigned to v set Rv = fx 2 K=v(x) 0 or v(x) non comparable to 0g is a local ring, then a G-valuation w of K into Cw is deen...


Dynamical generation of 4d gauge theories and gravity at low energy from the 3d ones at high energy is studied, based on the fermion condensation mechanism recently proposed by Arkani-Hamed, Cohen and Georgi. For gravity, 4d Einstein gravity is generated from the multiple copy of the 3d ones, by referring to the two form gravity. Since the 3d Einstein action without matter coupling is topologic...

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