In India, there are extant two nineteenth century specimens of an otherwise unknown astronomical instrument called Shabnum?-wa-R?znum? with which observations can be done both in the day and at night. While the R?znum? is nothing but a sine/horary quadrant, the Shabnum? appears to be inspired by the Sanskrit instrument Dhruvabhrama-yantra which was invented by Padman?bha in the first quarter of...
Recension av: Wolf-Knuts, Ulrika: Ett bättre liv. Finlandssvenskar i Sydafrika – om emigration, minnen, hemlängtan och nostalgi. Migrationsinstitutet, Åbo 2000. 150 s., ill.
Recension av: Metodkompassen – kulturvetarens metodbok. Red. Lena Marander-Eklund, Ruth Illman och Blanka Henriksson. Åbo: Åbo Akademi 2004. (Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter 61.) 300 s.