نتایج جستجو برای: real valued functions ring

تعداد نتایج: 1131285  

Journal: :CoRR 2016
Roksana Baleshzar Meiram Murzabulatov Ramesh Krishnan S. Pallavoor Sofya Raskhodnikova

We give a unateness tester for functions of the form f : [n] → R, where n, d ∈ N and R ⊆ R with query complexity O( log(max(d,n)) ). Previously known unateness testers work only for Boolean functions over the domain {0, 1}. We show that every unateness tester for realvalued functions over hypergrid has query complexity Ω(min{d, |R|}). Consequently, our tester is nearly optimal for real-valued f...


We show that for a subanalytic function / on a locally compact subanalytic set X there exists a unique subanalytic triangulation (a simplicial complex K , a subanalytic homeomorphism n: \K\ —► X) such that f o n\a , a 6 K , are linear. Let X be a subanalytic set contained and closed in a Euclidean space. A subanalytic triangulation of X is a pair (K , n) where K isa simplicial complex and n is ...

Marco E. G. V. Cattaneo

The paper pursues the definition of a maxitive integral on all real-valued functions (i.e., the integral of the pointwise maximum of two functions must be the maximum of their integrals). This definition is not determined by maxitivity alone: additional requirements on the integral are necessary. The paper studies the consequences of additional requirements of invariance with respect to affine ...

We first show that a bounded linear operator $ T $ on a real Banach space $ E $ is quasicompact (Riesz, respectively) if and only if $T': E_{mathbb{C}}longrightarrow E_{mathbb{C}}$ is quasicompact  (Riesz, respectively), where the complex Banach space $E_{mathbb{C}}$ is a suitable complexification of $E$ and $T'$ is the complex linear operator on $E_{mathbb{C}}$ associated with $T$. Next, we pr...


The role played by real-valued functions in functional analysis is fundamental. One often considers metrics, or seminorms, or linear functionals, to mention some important examples. We introduce the notion of deenable real-valued function in functional analysis: a real-valued function f deened on a structure of functional analysis is deenable if it can be \approximated" by formulas which do not...

For a frame $L$, consider the $f$-ring $ mathcal{F}_{mathcal P}L=Frm(mathcal{P}(mathbb R), L)$. In this paper, first we show that each minimal ideal of $ mathcal{F}_{mathcal P}L$ is a principal ideal generated by $f_a$, where $a$ is an atom of $L$. Then we show that if $L$ is an $mathcal{F}_{mathcal P}$-completely regular frame, then the socle of $ mathcal{F}_{mathcal P}L$ consists of those $f$...

Bernhard Banaschewski B. Banaschewski

The purpose of this note is to compare the rings of continuous functions, integer-valued or real-valued, in pointfree topology with those in classical topology. To this end, it first characterizes the Boolean frames (= complete Boolean algebras) whose function rings are isomorphic to a classical one and then employs this to exhibit a large class of frames for which the functions rings are not o...

Let S be a semigroup. In certain cases we give some characterizations of extreme amenability of S and we show that in these cases extreme left amenability and extreme right amenability of S are equivalent. Also when S is a compact topological semigroup, we characterize extremely left amenable subalgebras of C(S), where C(S) is the space of all continuous bounded real valued functions on S


In 1934, H. Whitney asked how one can determine whether a real-valued function on a closed subset of Rn is the restriction of a Cm-function on Rn. A complete answer to this question was found much later by C. Fefferman in the early 2000s. Here, we work in an o-minimal expansion of a real closed field and solve the C1-case of Whitney’s Extension Problem in this context. Our main tool is a defina...

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