Symbolic music information retrieval is one of the most underrepresented areas in the field of MIR. Here, symbolic music means common practice music notation–the musician readable format. In this paper we introduce a novel rule-based symbolic music retrieval mechanism. The Scripting system–ENP-Script–is augmented with MIR functionality. It allows us to perform sophisticated retrieval operations...
This article provides detailed information about the reforms in our country, attention paid to art of music, particular, development singing, singer’s voice, sounds, sound waves, and types sound.
This paper discusses the role of music as a ludic activity and constituent element of voice in the construction and consolidation of the relationship of the baby and his/her mother or caretaker, evaluating its implications in his/her psychic structure and constitution as a subject. The work was based on the research developed as part of the author’s doctoral activities carried out from her inse...
A smart multipurpose human assistance robotic dog is designed to guide the visually impaired and elderly people to some predefined destination avoiding obstacles and traffic. It is also designed to act as an advanced multipurpose human assistance and service robot that is able recognize the words spoken by the user, talk to them and take action according to the spoken voice command. Voice comma...