نتایج جستجو برای: 1385 in eight sub

تعداد نتایج: 17030284  

Journal: :Reports on progress in physics. Physical Society 2012
Paul J Steinhardt Luca Bindi

The concept of quasicrystals was first introduced twenty-eight years ago and, since then, over a hundred types have been discovered in the laboratory under precisely controlled physical conditions designed to avoid crystallization. Yet the original theory suggested that quasicrystals can potentially be as robust and stable as crystals, perhaps even forming naturally. These considerations motiva...

Costas Courcoubetis Frank P. Kelly Vasilios A. Siris Richard R. Weber

Costas Courcoubetis a,b, Frank P. Kelly c, Vasilios A. Siris a and Richard Weber c a Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) P.O. Box 1385, GR 711 10 Heraklion, Crete, Greece E-mail: {courcou, vsiris}@ics.forth.gr b Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece c University of Cambridge, Statistical Laboratory 16 Mill Lane, Cambrid...

Journal: :نامه انجمن حشره شناسی ایران 0
olivier montreuil museum national d'histoire naturelle, paris

new locality data are given for eight species of geotrupidae and 65 species and sub-species of scarabaeidae dung beetles from iran. the species onthophagus (palaeonthophagus) anatolicus petrovitz, 1962, and onitis alexis ssp. septentrionalis balthasar, 1942, are recorded for the first time from iran.

Statistical business process is variously designed and implemented in different organizations. This makes it difficult to exchange the knowledge, benefit from the good practices and the cooperation between national and international organizations. In order to solve this problem and help statistical organizations discuss developing statistical metadata systems, General Statistical Business Proce...

Production of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathbf {\Sigma (1385)^{\pm }}$$\end{document}Σ(1385)± and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathbf {\Xi (1530)^{0}}$$\end{document}Ξ(1530)0 in proton–proton collisions at \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathbf {\sqrt{s}=}$$\end{document}s= 7 TeV

B. Abelev J. Adam D. Adamová M. M. Aggarwal G. Aglieri Rinella M. Agnello A. Agostinelli N. Agrawal Z. Ahammed N. Ahmad I. Ahmed S. U. Ahn S. A. Ahn I. Aimo S. Aiola M. Ajaz A. Akindinov S. N. Alam D. Aleksandrov B. Alessandro D. Alexandre A. Alici A. Alkin J. Alme T. Alt S. Altinpinar I. Altsybeev C. Alves Garcia Prado C. Andrei A. Andronic V. Anguelov J. Anielski T. Antičić F. Antinori P. Antonioli L. Aphecetche H. Appelshäuser S. Arcelli N. Armesto R. Arnaldi T. Aronsson I. C. Arsene M. Arslandok A. Augustinus R. Averbeck T. C. Awes M. D. Azmi M. Bach A. Badalà Y. W. Baek S. Bagnasco R. Bailhache R. Bala A. Baldisseri F. Baltasar Dos Santos Pedrosa R. C. Baral R. Barbera F. Barile G. G. Barnaföldi L. S. Barnby V. Barret J. Bartke M. Basile N. Bastid S. Basu B. Bathen G. Batigne A. Batista Camejo B. Batyunya P. C. Batzing C. Baumann I. G. Bearden H. Beck C. Bedda N. K. Behera I. Belikov F. Bellini R. Bellwied E. Belmont-Moreno R. Belmont V. Belyaev G. Bencedi S. Beole I. Berceanu A. Bercuci Y. Berdnikov D. Berenyi M. E. Berger R. A. Bertens D. Berzano L. Betev A. Bhasin I. R. Bhat A. K. Bhati B. Bhattacharjee J. Bhom L. Bianchi N. Bianchi C. Bianchin J. Bielčík J. Bielčíková A. Bilandzic S. Bjelogrlic F. Blanco D. Blau C. Blume F. Bock A. Bogdanov H. Bøggild M. Bogolyubsky F. V. Böhmer L. Boldizsár M. Bombara J. Book H. Borel A. Borissov F. Bossú M. Botje E. Botta S. Böttger P. Braun-Munzinger M. Bregant T. Breitner T. A. Broker T. A. Browning M. Broz E. Bruna G. E. Bruno D. Budnikov H. Buesching S. Bufalino P. Buncic O. Busch Z. Buthelezi D. Caffarri X. Cai H. Caines L. Calero Diaz A. Caliva E. Calvo Villar P. Camerini F. Carena W. Carena J. Castillo Castellanos E. A. R. Casula V. Catanescu C. Cavicchioli C. Ceballos Sanchez J. Cepila P. Cerello B. Chang S. Chapeland J. L. Charvet S. Chattopadhyay S. Chattopadhyay V. Chelnokov M. Cherney C. Cheshkov B. Cheynis V. Chibante Barroso D. D. Chinellato P. Chochula M. Chojnacki S. Choudhury P. Christakoglou C. H. Christensen P. Christiansen T. Chujo S. U. Chung C. Cicalo L. Cifarelli F. Cindolo J. Cleymans F. Colamaria D. Colella A. Collu M. Colocci G. Conesa Balbastre Z. Conesa del Valle M. E. Connors J. G. Contreras T. M. Cormier Y. Corrales Morales P. Cortese I. Cortés Maldonado M. R. Cosentino F. Costa P. Crochet R. Cruz Albino E. Cuautle L. Cunqueiro A. Dainese R. Dang A. Danu D. Das I. Das K. Das S. Das A. Dash S. Dash S. De H. Delagrange A. Deloff E. Dénes G. D’Erasmo A. De Caro G. de Cataldo J. de Cuveland A. De Falco D. De Gruttola N. De Marco S. De Pasquale R. de Rooij M. A. Diaz Corchero T. Dietel P. Dillenseger R. Divià D. Di Bari S. Di Liberto A. Di Mauro P. Di Nezza Ø. Djuvsland A. Dobrin T. Dobrowolski D. Domenicis Gimenez B. Dönigus O. Dordic S. Dørheim A. K. Dubey A. Dubla L. Ducroux P. Dupieux A. K. Dutta Majumdar T. E. Hilden R. J. Ehlers D. Elia H. Engel B. Erazmus H. A. Erdal D. Eschweiler B. Espagnon M. Esposito M. Estienne S. Esumi D. Evans S. Evdokimov D. Fabris J. Faivre D. Falchieri A. Fantoni M. Fasel D. Fehlker L. Feldkamp D. Felea A. Feliciello G. Feofilov J. Ferencei A. Fernández Téllez E. G. Ferreiro A. Ferretti A. Festanti J. Figiel M. A. S. Figueredo S. Filchagin D. Finogeev F. M. Fionda E. M. Fiore E. Floratos M. Floris S. Foertsch P. Foka S. Fokin E. Fragiacomo A. Francescon U. Frankenfeld U. Fuchs C. Furget A. Furs M. Fusco Girard J. J. Gaardhøje M. Gagliardi A. M. Gago M. Gallio D. R. Gangadharan P. Ganoti C. Gao C. Garabatos E. Garcia-Solis C. Gargiulo I. Garishvili J. Gerhard M. Germain A. Gheata M. Gheata B. Ghidini P. Ghosh S. K. Ghosh P. Gianotti P. Giubellino E. Gladysz-Dziadus P. Glässel A. Gomez Ramirez P. González-Zamora S. Gorbunov L. Görlich S. Gotovac L. K. Graczykowski A. Grelli A. Grigoras C. Grigoras V. Grigoriev A. Grigoryan S. Grigoryan B. Grinyov N. Grion J. F. Grosse-Oetringhaus J.-Y. Grossiord R. Grosso F. Guber R. Guernane B. Guerzoni M. Guilbaud K. Gulbrandsen H. Gulkanyan M. Gumbo T. Gunji A. Gupta R. Gupta K. H. Khan R. Haake Ø. Haaland C. Hadjidakis M. Haiduc H. Hamagaki G. Hamar L. D. Hanratty A. Hansen J. W. Harris H. Hartmann A. Harton D. Hatzifotiadou S. Hayashi S. T. Heckel M. Heide H. Helstrup A. Herghelegiu G. Herrera Corral B. A. Hess K. F. Hetland B. Hippolyte J. Hladky P. Hristov M. Huang T. J. Humanic N. Hussain T. Hussain D. Hutter D. S. Hwang R. Ilkaev I. Ilkiv M. Inaba G. M. Innocenti C. Ionita M. Ippolitov M. Irfan M. Ivanov V. Ivanov A. Jachołkowski P. M. Jacobs C. Jahnke H. J. Jang M. A. Janik P. H. S. Y. Jayarathna C. Jena S. Jena R. T. Jimenez Bustamante P. G. Jones H. Jung A. Jusko V. Kadyshevskiy P. Kalinak A. Kalweit J. Kamin J. H. Kang V. Kaplin S. Kar A. Karasu Uysal O. Karavichev T. Karavicheva E. Karpechev U. Kebschull R. Keidel D. L. D. Keijdener M. Keil SVN M. M. Khan P. Khan S. A. Khan A. Khanzadeev Y. Kharlov B. Kileng B. Kim D. W. Kim D. J. Kim J. S. Kim M. Kim M. Kim S. Kim T. Kim S. Kirsch I. Kisel S. Kiselev A. Kisiel G. Kiss J. L. Klay J. Klein C. Klein-Bösing A. Kluge M. L. Knichel A. G. Knospe C. Kobdaj M. Kofarago M. K. Köhler T. Kollegger A. Kolojvari V. Kondratiev N. Kondratyeva A. Konevskikh V. Kovalenko M. Kowalski S. Kox G. Koyithatta Meethaleveedu J. Kral I. Králik A. Kravčáková M. Krelina M. Kretz M. Krivda F. Krizek E. Kryshen M. Krzewicki V. Kučera Y. Kucheriaev T. Kugathasan C. Kuhn P. G. Kuijer I. Kulakov J. Kumar P. Kurashvili A. Kurepin A. B. Kurepin A. Kuryakin S. Kushpil M. J. Kweon Y. Kwon P. Ladron de Guevara C. Lagana Fernandes I. Lakomov R. Langoy C. Lara A. Lardeux A. Lattuca S. L. La Pointe P. La Rocca R. Lea L. Leardini G. R. Lee I. Legrand J. Lehnert R. C. Lemmon V. Lenti E. Leogrande M. Leoncino I. León Monzón P. Lévai S. Li J. Lien R. Lietava S. Lindal V. Lindenstruth C. Lippmann M. A. Lisa H. M. Ljunggren D. F. Lodato P. I. Loenne V. R. Loggins V. Loginov D. Lohner C. Loizides X. Lopez E. López Torres X.-G. Lu P. Luettig M. Lunardon G. Luparello R. Ma A. Maevskaya M. Mager D. P. Mahapatra S. M. Mahmood A. Maire

The production of the strange and double-strange baryon resonances ((1385) ± , (1530) 0) has been measured at mid-rapidity (|y|< 0.5) in proton–proton collisions at √ s = 7 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. Transverse momentum spectra for inelastic collisions are compared to QCD-inspired models, which in general underpre-dict the data. A search for the φ(1860) pentaquark, decaying in the ...

Rie Isozumi Kumiko Yoshimatsu Tetsu Yamashiro Futoshi Hasebe Binh Minh Nguyen Tuan Cuong Ngo Shumpei P. Yasuda Takaaki Koma Kenta Shimizu Jiro Arikawa

Title Bla NDM-1-positive Klebsiella pneumoniae from environment, Vietnam Author(s) Isozumi, Rie; Yoshimatsu, Kumiko; Yamashiro, Tetsu; Hasebe, Futoshi; Nguyen, Binh Minh; Ngo, Tuan Cuong; Yasuda, Shumpei P.; Koma, Takaaki; Shimizu, Kenta; Arikawa, Jiro Citation Emerging Infectious Diseases, 18(8), pp.1383-1385; 2012 Issue Date 2012-08 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10069/30141 Right All materials pu...

Ralph L. Johnson

During the liulf year ending January 31, 1911, there have been two groups of boys in a special class in Girard College, one group known as the "Retarded Class," the other as the "Delinquent Class." There were twenty-four boys in the Retarded Class and twenty-eight in the Delinquent Class. Retarded boys are those who have remained unduly long in a grade without promotion, the repeating having be...

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