Abstract Gerhard Woeginger has passed away. His colleagues Jan Karel Lenstra, Franz Rendl, Frits Spieksma and Marc Uetz commemorate a great scientist dear friend.
The article describes basic data on the eight Chairmen of Czech Chemists Association from 1872–1907, Karel Preis, Vojtěch Šafařík, Antonín Bělohoubek, Milan Nevole, Vilém Baur, Bohuslav Raýman, František Šebor, Václav Goller.
We analyze the effect of managerial compensation schemes and organizational structure on competitive behavior in imperfectly competitive product markets. Previous research suggests that, in cases of strategic substitutability, firms tend to choose organizational structures and compensation systems that commit the firm to behave aggressively in the product market, reducing firm and industry prof...
67 team design a total solution starting with the externals of a product—everything the user sees and touches—and then gather user input via UCD user feedback methods that attempt to understand users, evaluate design, and assess competitiveness. This article outlines the approach with particular emphasis on organizational transformation, process integration , and UCD method optimization. Origin...
Karel Culik and the first author have demonstrated how Weighted Finite Automata (WFA) provide a strong tool for image compression [1, 2, 3, 4]. In the present article we introduce an improved method for the last step of the compression algorithm: for compressing the WFA that approximates the given image. Our method is based on arithmetic compression of sparse matrices.