نتایج جستجو برای: mite demodex

تعداد نتایج: 8530  


Canine generalised demodicosis is severe and inflammatory skin disease of dogs mostly caused by the mite Demodex canis and is clinically characterised by the severe itching, alopecia, crusting, follicular papules and pustules [8, 37]. The disease has been divided into two forms based on the extent of the affected body area; localised and generalised. In localised form, skin lesions are in one b...

L. Martinelle F. Dal Pozzo B. Losson P. Sarradin C. Saegerman

Demodicosis in cattle is caused by a microscopic mite, Demodex bovis. The parasites live sometimes in large numbers in the hair follicles and associated skin glands. The disease is well described and quite common in tropical zones, but rare and most likely underestimated in temperate regions, especially in Europe (Fisher, 1973; Matthes, 1994). Demodectic mange in cattle is known to be usually a...

Journal: :European review for medical and pharmacological sciences 2012
C Firat S Erbatur O Elmas A H Aytekin

Rhinophyma is a subtype of rosacea which develops at the advanced stage of rosacea and is characterized by an excessive enlargement of the sebaceous glands. Its etiology is not well-defined beyond the following usual suspects: vitamin deficiencies, stress, hormonal factors and the Demodex folliculorum mite. Carcinoma may develop in rhinophyma patients. The first surgical process for rhinophyma ...

Vadrevu K. Raju

D emodex is the most common res­ ident parasite of human skin, finding a home in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Two Demodex species, Demode.x jolliculorum and Demodex brevis, often c<"lexist in areas such as the cheeks, forehead, nose, and e.xternal car, where active sebum ex­ cretion favors their growth and breed­ ing. In the periocular area, D. jolJicu lorum lives in eyelash follicles, ...

Journal: :Middle black sea journal of health science 2022

Objective: Demodex folliculorum and brevis are two species known to settle on the skin of humans. mite infections called demodicosis. Demodicosis, which is usually asymptomatic, cause some diseases as a result an imbalance in immune system mechanisms This study was conducted investigate relationship between spp. infestations clinical signs, such immunodeficiency, rosacea, blepharitis facial itc...


Demodex is a type of permanent obligatory parasite, which can be found on the human body surface. Currently, drugs targeting Demodex usually result in adverse effects and have a poor therapeutic effect. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the use of Chinese crude medicine volatile oils for targeting and inhibiting Demodex in vitro. The volatile oils of six Chinese crude medici...

Journal: :Ophthalmology 2010
Jianjing Li Niamh O'Reilly Hosam Sheha Raananah Katz Vadrevu K Raju Kevin Kavanagh Scheffer C G Tseng

PURPOSE To investigate correlation between ocular Demodex infestation and serum. DESIGN A prospective study to correlate clinical findings with laboratory data. PARTICIPANTS We consecutively enrolled 59 patients: 34 men and 25 women with a mean age of 60.4+/-17.6 years (range, 17-93). METHODS Demodex counting was performed based on lash sampling. Serum immunoreactivity to two 62-kDa and 8...

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