نتایج جستجو برای: mimusops elengi

تعداد نتایج: 110  

Journal: :Pharmaceuticals 2023

Africa is home to diverse medicinal plants that have been used for generations the treatment of several different cancers and, presently, they are gaining interest from researchers as promising approaches cancer treatment. This review aims provide a comprehensive dietary and African fruits including their traditional uses, botanical description, ethnobotanical bioactive phytochemical compositio...

P.W. Crous M.J. Wingfield R.K. Schumacher B.A. Summerell A. Giraldo J. Gené J. Guarro D.N. Wanasinghe K.D. Hyde E. Camporesi E.B. Gareth Jones K.M. Thambugala E.F. Malysheva V.F. Malysheva K. Acharya J. Álvarez P. Alvarado A. Assefa C.W. Barnes J.S. Bartlett R.A. Blanchette T.I. Burgess J.R. Carlavilla M.P.A. Coetzee U. Damm C.A. Decock A. den Breeÿen B. de Vries A.K. Dutta D.G. Holdom S. Rooney-Latham J.L. Manjón S. Marincowitz M. Mirabolfathy G. Moreno C. Nakashima M. Papizadeh S.A. Shahzadeh Fazeli M.A. Amoozegar M.K. Romberg R.G. Shivas J.A. Stalpers B. Stielow M.J.C. Stukely W.J. Swart Y.P. Tan M. van der Bank A.R. Wood Y. Zhang J.Z. Groenewald Pedro W. Crous Johannes Z. Groenewald Michelle van der Bank Michael J. Wingfield Ying Zhang Ulrike Damm Wijnand J. Swart Addisu Assefa Alana den Breeÿen Brett A. Summerell Alan R. Wood Cony A. Decock Moslem Papizadeh Seyed Abolhassan Shahzadeh Fazeli Mohammad Ali Amoozegar René K. Schumacher Mansoureh Mirabolfathy Chiharu Nakashima Gabriel Moreno Juan R. Carlavilla Julio Álvarez José L. Manjón Pablo Alvarado Alejandra Giraldo Josepa Gené Josep Guarro Arun K. Dutta Krishnendu Acharya Martin P.A. Coetzee Seonju Marincowitz Michael J. Wingfield Robert A. Blanchette Charles W. Barnes Kasun M. Thambugala Kevin D. Hyde Erio Camporesi Ekaterina F. Malysheva Vera F. Malysheva Treena I. Burgess Michael J.C. Stukely Dhanushka N. Wanasinghe Kevin D. Hyde Erio Camporesi E.B. Gareth Jones Megan K. Romberg Suzanne Rooney-Latham David G. Holdom Yu Pei Tan Justin S. Bartlett Roger G. Shivas Joost A. Stalpers Benjamin Stielow Bernard de Vries

Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Alanphillipsia aloeicola from Aloe sp., Arxiella dolichandrae from Dolichandra unguiscati, Ganoderma austroafricanum from Jacaranda mimosifolia, Phacidiella podocarpi and Phaeosphaeria podocarpi from Podocarpus latifolius, Phyllosticta mimusopisicola from Mimusops zeyheri and Sphaerulina pelargonii fr...

Madhav Kamath Manuel S. Thomas

Patients suffering from cardiovascular disease are vulnerable to physical and emotional stress. If, in addition, the patients have to undergo dental treatment, it will add to their stress. Cardiac patients may collapse in the dental clinic due to various cardiac emergencies or drug interactions. Hence, patients with cardiac disease may pose a significant risk in dental clinics. Multidisciplinar...

Journal: :Archives of dermatology 2012
Antonio Tagarelli Giuseppe Tagarelli Paolo Lagonia Anna Piro

A single cycle of rituximab for the treatment of severe pemphigus. Treatment of severe pemphigus with rituximab: report of 12 cases and a review of the literature. Clinical efficacy of different doses of ritux-imab in the treatment of pemphigus: a retrospective study of 27 patients. Rituximab for treatment-refractory pemphigus and pemphigoid: a case series of 17 patients. in autoim-mune bullous...

Journal: :Blood purification 2017
Filippo Mariano Marco Pozzato Paola Inguaggiato Cesare Guarena Ernesto Turello Massimo Manes Paola David Silvia Berutti Valentina Consiglio Alessandro Amore Andrea Campo Angela Marino Mauro Berto Paola Carpani Giovanni Calabrese Maurizio Gherzi Emanuele Stramignoni Guido Martina Andrea Serra Luciano Comune Elisabetta Roscini Antonio Marciello Vincenzo Todini Patrizia Vio Oliviero Filiberti Roberto Boero Vincenzo Cantaluppi

BACKGROUND Metformin-associated lactic acidosis (MALA) is a severe complication of drug administration with significant morbidity and mortality. So far no study in large population areas have examined the incidence, clinical profile and outcome of acute kidney injury (AKI)-MALA patients admitted in intensive care units (ICUs) and treated by renal replacement therapy (MALA-RRT). METHODS Retros...

Annika Waibel Christine J. Griffiths Nicolas Zuël

Aims The use of exotic species as taxon substitutes to restore lost ecological interactions is currently hotly debated. Aldabrachelys gigantea giant tortoises have recently been introduced to three islands in the Mascarene archipelago (Ile aux Aigrettes, Round Island and Rodrigues) to resurrect herbivory and seed dispersal functions once performed by extinct giant tortoises. However, potential ...


Flowers of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L., Calendula officinalis L., Datura metel L., Jasminum sambac L Aiton., Mimusops elengi L., Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L., Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Wilde., Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R. Br. ex Roemer and Schultes., and Ixora coccinea L. are very popular for their aesthetic and spiritual appeal. Indigenous treatment systems found these f...

P.W. Crous M.J. Wingfield T.I. Burgess G.E.St.J. Hardy C. Crane S. Barrett J.F. Cano-Lira J.J. Le Roux R. Thangavel J. Guarro A.M. Stchigel M.P. Martín D.S. Alfredo P.A. Barber R.W. Barreto I.G. Baseia J. Cano-Canals R. Cheewangkoon R.J. Ferreira J. Gené C. Lechat G. Moreno F. Roets R.G. Shivas J.O. Sousa Y.P. Tan N.P. Wiederhold S.E. Abell T. Accioly J.L. Albizu J.L. Alves Z.I. Antoniolli N. Aplin J. Araújo M. Arzanlou J.D.P. Bezerra J.-P. Bouchara J.R. Carlavilla A. Castillo V.L. Castroagudín P.C. Ceresini G.F. Claridge G. Coelho V.R.M. Coimbra L.A. Costa K.C. da Cunha S.S. da Silva R. Daniel Z.W. de Beer M. Dueñas J. Edwards P. Enwistle P.O. Fiuza J. Fournier D. García T.B. Gibertoni S. Giraud M. Guevara-Suarez L.F.P. Gusmão S. Haituk M. Heykoop Y. Hirooka T.A. Hofmann J. Houbraken D.P. Hughes I. Kautmanová O. Koppel O. Koukol E. Larsson K.P.D. Latha D.H. Lee D.O. Lisboa W.S. Lisboa Á. López-Villalba J.L.N. Maciel P. Manimohan J.L. Manjón S. Marincowitz T.S. Marney M. Meijer A.N. Miller I. Olariaga L.M. Paiva M. Piepenbring J.C. Poveda-Molero K.N.A. Raj H.A. Raja A. Rougeron I. Salcedo R. Samadi T.A.B. Santos K. Scarlett K.A. Seifert L.A. Shuttleworth G.A. Silva M. Silva J.P.Z. Siqueira C.M. Souza-Motta S.L. Stephenson D.A. Sutton N. Tamakeaw M.T. Telleria N. Valenzuela-Lopez A. Viljoen C.M. Visagie A. Vizzini F. Wartchow B.D. Wingfield E. Yurchenko J.C. Zamora J.Z. Groenewald Koppel Olga Cobus M. Visagie Keith A. Seifert Hirooka Yuuri Luís F.P. Gusmão Silvana S. da Silva Patrícia O. Fiuza Loise A. Costa Tiago A.B. Santos Gabriel Moreno Ángela López-Villalba Aurelio Castillo Steven L. Stephenson Thiago Accioly Julieth O. Sousa Iuri G. Baseia María P. Martín Donis S. Alfredo Renato J. Ferreira Iuri G. Baseia Lucas Shuttleworth Rosalie Daniel Kelly Scarlett Peter Entwistle Ibai Olariaga Isabel Salcedo José Luis Albizu Ivona Kautmanová Willyane S. Lisboa Meiriele Silva Robert W. Barreto Daniela O. Lisboa Janaina L. Alves K.N. Anil Raj K.P. Deepna Latha Patinjareveettil Manimohan Juan Ramón Carlavilla Michel Heykoop José Luis Manjón Alfredo Vizzini DongHyeon Lee Brenda D. Wingfield Michael J. Wingfield Seonju Marincowitz Z. Wilhelm de Beer Gilberto Coelho Zaida Inês Antoniolli Eugene Yurchenko Jos Houbraken Martin Meijer Mahdi Arzanlou Rosita Samadi Nicomedes Valenzuela-Lopez Alberto M. Stchigel Josep Guarro José F. Cano-Lira Julia Cano-Canals Gordon F. Claridge Roger G. Shivas Yu Pei Tan João Araújo David P. Hughes Marcela Guevara-Suarez Josepa Gené Keith C. da Cunha Nathan P. Wiederhold Deanna A. Sutton Nathan Wiederhold Amandine Rougeron Sandrine Giraud Jean-Philippe Bouchara Ondřej Koukol Meike Piepenbring Tina Antje Hofmann Roger G. Shivas Thomas S. Marney Yu Pei Tan Sandra E. Abell Jadson D.P. Bezerra Laura M. Paiva Gladstone A. Silva Cristina M. Souza-Motta Pedro W. Crous Margarita Dueñas M. Teresa Telleria María P. Martín Victor R.M. Coimbra Tatiana B. Gibertoni Ellen Larsson Felipe Wartchow Juan Carlos Zamora Juan Carlos Poveda-Molero Andrew N. Miller Jacques Fournier Huzefa A. Raja Christian Lechat Christian Lechat Nick Aplin João Paulo Zen Siqueira Dania García Pedro W. Crous Johannes Z. Groenewald Raja Thangavel Michael J. Wingfield Treena I. Burgess Giles E.St.J. Hardy Johannes J. Le Roux Francois Roets Colin Crane Sarah Barrett Raja Thangavel Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon Jacqueline Edwards Paul A. Barber Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon Sukanya Haituk Nisachon Tamakeaw Altus Viljoen Vanina L. Castroagudín Paulo C. Ceresini João L.N. Maciel

Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Apiognomonia lasiopetali on Lasiopetalum sp., Blastacervulus eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus adesmophloia, Bullanockia australis (incl. Bullanockia gen. nov.) on Kingia australis, Caliciopsis eucalypti on Eucalyptus marginata, Celerioriella petrophiles on Petrophile teretifolia, Coleophoma xant...

Maria Baimas-George

Deforestation in the northern highlands of Ethiopia has left 35,000 forest fragments ranging in size from 3 to 300 ha (Bongers et al 2006). Deforestation produces edges which increase disturbance within the forest such as decreased water availability and increased light. To determine the degree of these edge effects and the nutrient status of these forests, I analyzed the nutrient composition o...

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