نتایج جستجو برای: lead ions

تعداد نتایج: 469086  

Journal: :Journal of environmental sciences 2011
Linyan Zhu Zhiliang Zhu Ronghua Zhang Jun Hong Yanling Qiu

A novel ion-imprinted polymer, lead ion-imprinted micro-beads with combination of two functional monomers, was synthesized using the W/O/W polymerization method. Two functional monomers, 1,12-dodecanediol-O,O'-diphenyl-phosphonic acid (DDDPA) and 4-vinylpyridine, were used to form a suitable construction with micro-pores fitting the template and recognition sites. The effects of adsorbent dosag...

J. Adam D. Adamová M. M. Aggarwal G. Aglieri Rinella M. Agnello N. Agrawal Z. Ahammed S. Ahmad S. U. Ahn S. Aiola A. Akindinov S. N. Alam D. S. D. Albuquerque D. Aleksandrov B. Alessandro D. Alexandre R. Alfaro Molina A. Alici A. Alkin J. R. M. Almaraz J. Alme T. Alt S. Altinpinar I. Altsybeev C. Alves Garcia Prado C. Andrei A. Andronic V. Anguelov T. Antičić F. Antinori P. Antonioli L. Aphecetche H. Appelshäuser S. Arcelli R. Arnaldi O. W. Arnold I. C. Arsene M. Arslandok B. Audurier A. Augustinus R. Averbeck M. D. Azmi A. Badalà Y. W. Baek S. Bagnasco R. Bailhache R. Bala S. Balasubramanian A. Baldisseri R. C. Baral A. M. Barbano R. Barbera F. Barile G. G. Barnaföldi L. S. Barnby V. Barret P. Bartalini K. Barth J. Bartke E. Bartsch M. Basile N. Bastid S. Basu B. Bathen G. Batigne A. Batista Camejo B. Batyunya P. C. Batzing I. G. Bearden H. Beck C. Bedda N. K. Behera I. Belikov F. Bellini H. Bello Martinez R. Bellwied R. Belmont E. Belmont-Moreno L. G. E. Beltran V. Belyaev G. Bencedi S. Beole I. Berceanu A. Bercuci Y. Berdnikov D. Berenyi R. A. Bertens D. Berzano L. Betev A. Bhasin I. R. Bhat A. K. Bhati B. Bhattacharjee J. Bhom L. Bianchi N. Bianchi C. Bianchin J. Bielčík J. Bielčíková A. Bilandzic G. Biro R. Biswas S. Biswas S. Bjelogrlic J. T. Blair D. Blau C. Blume F. Bock A. Bogdanov H. Bøggild L. Boldizsár M. Bombara M. Bonora J. Book H. Borel A. Borissov M. Borri F. Bossú E. Botta C. Bourjau P. Braun-Munzinger M. Bregant T. Breitner T. A. Broker T. A. Browning M. Broz E. J. Brucken E. Bruna G. E. Bruno D. Budnikov H. Buesching S. Bufalino S. A. I. Buitron P. Buncic O. Busch Z. Buthelezi J. B. Butt J. T. Buxton J. Cabala D. Caffarri X. Cai H. Caines L. Calero Diaz A. Caliva E. Calvo Villar P. Camerini F. Carena W. Carena F. Carnesecchi J. Castillo Castellanos A. J. Castro E. A. R. Casula C. Ceballos Sanchez J. Cepila P. Cerello J. Cerkala B. Chang S. Chapeland M. Chartier J. L. Charvet S. Chattopadhyay A. Chauvin V. Chelnokov M. Cherney C. Cheshkov B. Cheynis V. Chibante Barroso D. D. Chinellato S. Cho P. Chochula K. Choi M. Chojnacki S. Choudhury P. Christakoglou C. H. Christensen P. Christiansen T. Chujo S. U. Chung C. Cicalo L. Cifarelli F. Cindolo J. Cleymans F. Colamaria D. Colella A. Collu M. Colocci G. Conesa Balbastre Z. Conesa del Valle M. E. Connors J. G. Contreras T. M. Cormier Y. Corrales Morales I. Cortés Maldonado P. Cortese M. R. Cosentino F. Costa J. Crkovská P. Crochet R. Cruz Albino E. Cuautle L. Cunqueiro T. Dahms A. Dainese M. C. Danisch A. Danu D. Das I. Das S. Das A. Dash S. Dash S. De A. De Caro G. de Cataldo C. de Conti J. de Cuveland A. De Falco D. De Gruttola N. De Marco S. De Pasquale R. D. De Souza A. Deisting A. Deloff E. Dénes C. Deplano P. Dhankher D. Di Bari A. Di Mauro P. Di Nezza B. Di Ruzza M. A. Diaz Corchero T. Dietel P. Dillenseger R. Divià Ø. Djuvsland A. Dobrin D. Domenicis Gimenez B. Dönigus O. Dordic T. Drozhzhova A. K. Dubey A. Dubla L. Ducroux P. Dupieux R. J. Ehlers D. Elia E. Endress H. Engel E. Epple B. Erazmus I. Erdemir F. Erhardt B. Espagnon M. Estienne S. Esumi J. Eum D. Evans S. Evdokimov G. Eyyubova L. Fabbietti D. Fabris J. Faivre A. Fantoni M. Fasel L. Feldkamp A. Feliciello G. Feofilov J. Ferencei A. Fernández Téllez E. G. Ferreiro A. Ferretti A. Festanti V. J. G. Feuillard J. Figiel M. A. S. Figueredo S. Filchagin D. Finogeev F. M. Fionda E. M. Fiore M. G. Fleck M. Floris S. Foertsch P. Foka S. Fokin E. Fragiacomo A. Francescon A. Francisco U. Frankenfeld G. G. Fronze U. Fuchs C. Furget A. Furs M. Fusco Girard J. J. Gaardhøje M. Gagliardi A. M. Gago K. Gajdosova M. Gallio C. D. Galvan D. R. Gangadharan P. Ganoti C. Gao C. Garabatos E. Garcia-Solis C. Gargiulo P. Gasik E. F. Gauger M. Germain M. Gheata P. Ghosh S. K. Ghosh P. Gianotti P. Giubellino P. Giubilato E. Gladysz-Dziadus P. Glässel D. M. Goméz Coral A. Gomez Ramirez A. S. Gonzalez V. Gonzalez P. González-Zamora S. Gorbunov L. Görlich S. Gotovac V. Grabski O. A. Grachov L. K. Graczykowski K. L. Graham A. Grelli A. Grigoras C. Grigoras V. Grigoriev A. Grigoryan S. Grigoryan B. Grinyov N. Grion J. M. Gronefeld J. F. Grosse-Oetringhaus R. Grosso L. Gruber F. Guber R. Guernane B. Guerzoni K. Gulbrandsen T. Gunji A. Gupta R. Gupta R. Haake C. Hadjidakis M. Haiduc H. Hamagaki G. Hamar J. C. Hamon J. W. Harris A. Harton D. Hatzifotiadou S. Hayashi S. T. Heckel E. Hellbär H. Helstrup A. Herghelegiu G. Herrera Corral B. A. Hess K. F. Hetland H. Hillemanns B. Hippolyte D. Horak R. Hosokawa P. Hristov C. Hughes T. J. Humanic N. Hussain T. Hussain D. Hutter D. S. Hwang R. Ilkaev M. Inaba E. Incani M. Ippolitov M. Irfan V. Isakov M. Ivanov V. Ivanov V. Izucheev B. Jacak N. Jacazio P. M. Jacobs M. B. Jadhav S. Jadlovska J. Jadlovsky C. Jahnke M. J. Jakubowska M. A. Janik P. H. S. Y. Jayarathna C. Jena S. Jena R. T. Jimenez Bustamante P. G. Jones A. Jusko P. Kalinak A. Kalweit J. H. Kang V. Kaplin S. Kar A. Karasu Uysal O. Karavichev T. Karavicheva L. Karayan E. Karpechev U. Kebschull R. Keidel D. L. D. Keijdener M. Keil M. Mohisin Khan P. Khan S. A. Khan A. Khanzadeev Y. Kharlov B. Kileng D. W. Kim D. J. Kim D. Kim H. Kim J. S. Kim J. Kim M. Kim M. Kim S. Kim T. Kim S. Kirsch I. Kisel S. Kiselev A. Kisiel G. Kiss J. L. Klay C. Klein J. Klein C. Klein-Bösing S. Klewin A. Kluge M. L. Knichel A. G. Knospe C. Kobdaj M. Kofarago T. Kollegger A. Kolojvari V. Kondratiev N. Kondratyeva E. Kondratyuk A. Konevskikh M. Kopcik M. Kour C. Kouzinopoulos O. Kovalenko V. Kovalenko M. Kowalski G. Koyithatta Meethaleveedu I. Králik A. Kravčáková M. Krivda F. Krizek E. Kryshen M. Krzewicki A. M. Kubera V. Kučera C. Kuhn P. G. Kuijer A. Kumar J. Kumar L. Kumar S. Kumar P. Kurashvili A. Kurepin A. B. Kurepin A. Kuryakin M. J. Kweon Y. Kwon S. L. La Pointe P. La Rocca P. Ladron de Guevara C. Lagana Fernandes I. Lakomov R. Langoy K. Lapidus C. Lara A. Lardeux A. Lattuca E. Laudi R. Lea L. Leardini S. Lee F. Lehas S. Lehner R. C. Lemmon V. Lenti E. Leogrande I. León Monzón H. León Vargas M. Leoncino P. Lévai S. Li

The azimuthal correlations of D mesons with charged particles were measured with the ALICE apparatus in pp collisions at [Formula: see text] and p-Pb collisions at [Formula: see text] at the Large Hadron Collider. [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], and [Formula: see text] mesons and their charge conjugates with transverse momentum [Formula: see text] and rapidity in the nucleon-nucleon c...

R. V. Gavai Sourendu Gupta

We re-analyse the data on J/ψ cross sections for proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions obtained by the CERN experiments NA38, NA51 and NA50. Our systematic analysis of error propagation shows that the no anomalous suppression of J/ψ in Pb-Pb collisions can be substantiated at 95% confidence limit. The significance of the NA50 result would be enhanced by more precise p-A data on J/ψ cros...

Hua Kuang Changrui Xing Changlong Hao Liqiang Liu Libing Wang Chuanlai Xu

In this study, we have first developed a rapid and sensitive strip immunosensor based on two heterogeneously-sized gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) probes for the detection of trace lead ions in drinking water. The sensitivity was 4-fold higher than that of the conventional LFA under the optimized conditions. The visual limit of detection (LOD) of the amplified method for qualitative detection lead ...

Hong Su Zhou Li Samuel Selorm Fiati Kenston Hongbo Shi Yafei Wang Xin Song Yuanliang Gu Tabatha Barber Joni Aldinger Baobo Zou Min Ding Jinshun Zhao Xialu Lin

The systemic toxicity of different combinations of heavy metal mixtures (HMMs) was studied according to equivalent proportions of the eight most common detectable heavy metals found in fish consumption in the Ningbo area of China. The ion mass proportions of Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cd, Pb, and Hg were 1070.0, 312.6, 173.1, 82.6, 30.0, 13.3, 6.6, and 1.0, respectively. In this study, 10 experimental...

Introduction Lead is one of the most important metal ions that has many disadvantages for the environment and organisms, especially humans. One of the most effective methods for causing lead from aqueous solutions is the use of biological adsorbents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the biological biosorption of lead (II) from aqueous solutions using Padina algae. Materials and Met...

Journal: :journal of nanostructures 2012
h. ghanbarnejad t. poursaberi v. akbar

the discharge of lead containing effluents into the environment and water bodies is harmful for the human, animals, aquatic flora and fauna. herein, a novel surface engineered magnetic nanoparticle for removing pb2+ ions was studied. after surface modification of the magnetite by 3-amino-propyltriethoxysilane (aptes) magnetic nanoparticles with covalently linked porphyrins were synthesized. two...

Journal: :Molecular pharmacology 1999
J S Hanas J S Rodgers J A Bantle Y G Cheng

The association of lead with chromatin in cells suggests that deleterious metal effects may in part be mediated through alterations in gene function. To elucidate if and how lead may alter DNA binding of cysteine-rich zinc finger proteins, lead ions were analyzed for their ability to alter the DNA binding mechanism of the Cys(2)His(2) zinc finger protein transcription factor IIIA (TFIIIA). As a...

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