نتایج جستجو برای: unital quantale

تعداد نتایج: 1601  

Elham Kashefi Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh

We develop a formal system to reason about knowledge properties of quantum security protocols. The formalism is obtained via a marriage of measurement calculus [3], an algebraic framework for measurementbased quantum computing [7], with the algebra of epistemic actions and their appearance maps [1, 8]. Measurement calculus has also proven to be a proper language to describe and to analyse distr...


We give some new characterizations, of unitaries, isometries, unital operator spaces, unital function spaces, operator systems, C-algebras, and related objects. Several characterizations of these objects are already known; see e.g. [15, Theorem 9.5.16], [1], the discussion on p. 316 of [4], [14], and [13]. One difference between our paper and these cited references, is that our results only use...


A linear mapping T from a subspace E of a Banach algebra into another Banach algebra is called spectrally bounded if there is a constant M ≥ 0 such that r(Tx) ≤ M r(x) for all x ∈ E, where r( · ) denotes the spectral radius. We prove that every spectrally bounded unital operator from a unital purely infinite simple C∗-algebra onto a unital semisimple Banach algebra is a Jordan epimorphism.

Journal: :bulletin of the iranian mathematical society 2013
h. ghahramani

let a be a unital r-algebra and m be a unital a-bimodule. it is shown that every jordan derivation of the trivial extension of a by m, under some conditions, is the sum of a derivation and an antiderivation.

Yong Chan Kim Jin Won Park

In this paper, we study the relations (L, )-fuzzy topologies and (L, )-filters on strictly two-sided, commutative quantale lattices (L, ) and (L, ∗). Mathematics Subject Classification: 03E72, 54A40, 54B10

Yong Chan Kim Young Sun Kim

In this paper, we study (L, )-fuzzy topologies induced by operations and (L, )-filters on strictly two-sided, commutative quantale lattices (L, ) and (L, ∗). Mathematics Subject Classification: 03E72, 54A40, 54B10

Huaxin Lin Zhuang Niu

Let C = C(X) be the unital C*-algebra of all continuous functions on a finite CW complex X and let A be a unital simple C*-algebra with tracial rank at most one. We show that two unital monomorphisms φ,ψ : C → A are asymptotically unitarily equivalent, i.e., there exists a continuous path of unitaries {ut : t ∈ [0, 1)} ⊂ A such that lim t→1 utφ(f)ut = ψ(f) for all f ∈ C(X),

Journal: :Applied Categorical Structures 2021

It is shown that every two-variable adjunction in categories enriched a commutative quantale serves as base for constructing Isbell adjunctions between functor categories, and Kan are precisely constructed from suitable associated adjunctions. Representation theorems established fixed points of these

Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh

We present two applications to AI of recently introduced high level quantum structures. These structures are the categorical quantum logic of (Abramsky & Coecke 2004) and the quantale quantum logic of (Coecke, Moore, & Stubbe 2001). Firstly, we show how the diagrammatic toolkit of categorical quantum logic, when restricted to its pregroup fragment (Lambek 1999; 2001), simplifies analysis of sen...

Octavian Babus Alexander Kurz

The aim of the paper is to work towards a generalisation of coalgebraic logic enriched over a commutative quantale. Previous work has shown how to dualise the coalgebra type functor T : Ω-Cat //Ω-Cat in order to obtain the modal operators and axioms describing transitions of type T . Here we give a logical description of the dual of Ω-Cat.

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