Sir, Once more correspondence columns have borne witness to the confusion caused by the Leeds exercise test. Yet again Professor Linden and his colleagues have been able to claim that their protocol has not been adhered to-and of course on this occasion they are correct in that respect.'2 They have, however, chosen to ignore other studies that have followed their protocol meticulously and that ...
Macrofungal investigations were performed in gardens and avenues planted with Tilia spp. between 2009 2020 Hungary, focusing on the Budapest area. Lime tree (Tilia) is recently one of most favorable commonly used ectomycorrhizal urban landscaping Budapest, similarly to other European cities. As a result 71 sampling occasions total 60 epigeous hypogeous macrofungal species belonging 22 families ...
We present a much simplified version of the Collins-Gisin-Linden-Massar-Popescu inequality for the 2x2xd Bell scenario. Numerical maximization of the violation of this inequality over all states and measurements suggests that the optimal state is far from maximally entangled, while the best measurements are the same as conjectured best measurements for the maximally entangled state. For very la...
Commentary on Doceul, V.; Hollinshead, M.; van der Linden, L.; Smith, G.L. Repulsion of superinfecting virions: a mechanism for rapid virus spread. Science2010, 327, 873-876.
Palynologists around the world mourn loss of Eric C. Grimm, renowned for his devising computer program TILIA, who died on 15 November 2020 at home in Jefferson, South Dakota, USA ...