Nanoplankton and picoplankton abundance and community grazing on picoplankton were deterrnined in surnmer and autumn at several stations in a productive coastal environment (Georges Bank. NW Atlantic Ocean) and in an oligotrophic oceanic ecosystem (Sargasso Sea). Ranges of heterotrophic nanoplankton (HNAN) abundance were 1.2 to 3.6 X 103 ceils rnl-' on Georges Bank, and 2.2 to 6.8 X 10' ceiis m...
STOCK DEFINITION AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGE White-sided dolphins are found in temperate and sub-polar waters of the North Atlantic, primarily in continental shelf waters to the 100m depth contour. The species inhabits waters from central West Greenland to North Carolina (about 35 ̊N) and perhaps as far east as 43 ̊W (Evans 1987; Hamazaki 2002). Distribution of sightings, strandings and incidental takes...
Fractional calculus, which has almost the same history as classic calculus, did not attract enough attention for a long time. However, in recent decades, fractional calculus and fractional differential equations become more and more popular because of its powerful potential applications. A large number of new differential equations (models) that involve fractional calculus are developed. These ...