نتایج جستجو برای: dīn shīrāzīs durrat al

تعداد نتایج: 443051  

Journal: :Eskiyeni 2021

Kutbüddinzâde İznikî (öl. 885/1480), Sadreddin Konevî’nin 673/1274) Miftâhu’l-gayb’ının şarihi olması sebebiyle Ekberîliği Osmanlı’da temsil eden önemli âlim-sûfî şahsiyetlerden biridir. Bu şerhinin yanı sıra rüya tabiri, bitin yaratılma hikmetinin ahlâkî-işârî yorumu gibi birçok konuda eser ve risale kaleme almıştır. risalelerden birini ise hulûd-ı küffar meselesine Gazzâlî’nin bu konudaki gör...

Journal: :تاریخ علم 0
اکبر فلاحی دانشجوی دکتری تاریخ علم دورۀ اسلامی، پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی غلامحسین رحیمی استاد گروه مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

dār al-funūn is the first center for systematic modern science education and new military training in iran. as far as the military disciplines are concerned, theoretical and practical training of the steudents, as well as troops and officers, authoring and translating books on military disciplines, regular examinations and upbringing a generation of students in new military tactics are the most...

Journal: :تاریخ و فرهنگ 0
سیدمحمد مظفری غلامحسین رحیمی

muḥyī al-dīn maghribī is among the few astronomers of the middle ages whose astronomical system is entirely based on new measures of planetary parameters and whose measurement of the observational data and calculation processes for determining their amount have been carried out in maragha observatory. he has explained the details of his observations and calculations in a volume called talkhīṣ a...

Journal: :Arabica 2022

Abstract Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) wrote his tome Bayān talbīs al-ǧahmiyya to refute Ašʿarī kalām theologian Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s 606/1210) argument in Taʾsīs al-taqdīs that God is not corporeal, located, or spatially extended. the largest known refutation of incorporealism Islamic tradition, and was apparently most sophisticated work its kind circulating Taymiyya’s Mamlūk scholarly milieu. d...

Journal: :فلسفه و کلام 0
علی اشرف امامی محسن شرفایی مَرغکی

‘abd al-wahhāb b. aḥmad sha‘rānī (898-973/1492-1565) is to be considered as one of the most important advocates of muḥyī al-dīn ibn ‘arabī (560-638/1164-1240). he has written significant books in defense of and under the inspiration of ibn ‘arabī, the most important of which that can be mentioned are al-yawāqīt wa al-jawāhir, al-kibrīt al-aḥmar, and al-qawā‘id al-kashfiyya. it is worth mentioni...

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