نتایج جستجو برای: bola drb3
تعداد نتایج: 1989 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
The Rhadinovirus ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2) is the most common causative agent of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) in clinically susceptible ruminants including cattle and bison. American bison (Bison bison) are highly susceptible to clinical MCF. Nevertheless, approximately 20% of bison on ranches or in feedlots become infected with the virus without developing clinical disease. Defining the ...
AIM The aim of this study was to evaluate common human leucocyte antigen (HLA) associations in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (N=110), in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis (N=50) and in patients with chronic periodontitis (N=102) in comparison to healthy controls (no periodontitis, no arthritis N=102). MATERIAL AND METHODS HLA-class I and II markers were determin...
Cationic gemini surfactant homologues alkanediyl-alpha,omega-bis(dodecyldiethylammonium) bromide, [C12H25(CH3CH2)2N(CH2)SN(CH2CH3)2C12H25]Br2, where S = 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12, referred to as C12CSC12(Et), and cationic bolaamphiphiles BPHEAB (biphenyl-4,4'-bis(oxyhexamethylenetriethylammonium) bromide), PHEAB (phenyl-4,4'- bis(oxyhexamethylenetriethylammonium) bromide) were synthesized, and their a...
Popis prípadu 57-ročná štíhla žena bola niekoľko rokov liečená nepravidelne betablokátorom pre kolísavú hypertenziu a občasné palpitácie. V auguste 1998 po večernom tanci pocítila silné bolesti na hrudi so spontánnym ústupom do 30 minút. Na druhý deň ráno bola pre recidívu bolestí hospitalizovaná v najbližšej nemocnici pre akútny anteroextenzívny infarkt myokardu a liečená heparinom. V popise t...
UV intensity near the AOS and OSF sites in northern Chile was measured with handheld UVA and UVB radiometers and was compared with that taken at Socorro AOC, Nobeyama, and Mitaka. Typical UVA opacity was about 0.4 at Pampa La Bola near the AOS site, about 0.6 both at San Pedro de Atacama near the OSF site and at Nobeyama, and about 0.7 at Mitaka (best conditions), respectively. The UVA intensit...
مجتمع عمدهی پذیرش بافتی (MHC) نقشی مهم در پاسخهای ایمنی دارد و تنوع مولکولهای آن با توانایی شناخت و پاسخ به پپتیدهای بیگانه مرتبط است. در میان ژنهای MHC گاوسانان، ژنوتایپینگ DRB3 برای بررسیهای ژنتیک جمعیت و ارتباط MHC با صفات ایمنی و صفات تولیدی کاربرد بیشتری دارد. در این تحقیق اگزون دوم ژن Bubu-DRB3 با روش واکنش زنجیرهای پلیمراز افزوده شد و سه روش تحلیل دقیق دمای شکافت (HRM)، تحلی...
Five ionic bolaamphiphiles were synthesized and the aggregation behavior of bola single systems and bola/oppositely charged conventional surfactant mixed systems was studied. Small spherical vesicles were formed in all these mixed systems revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Variation of the structure of the hydrophobic chain of bolaamphiphiles has great influences on the vesicle...
Lipid aggregation into fluid bilayers is an essential process for sustaining life. Simplified models of lipid structure, which allow for long time scales or large length scales not obtainable with all-atom simulations, have recently been developed and show promise for describing lipid dynamics in biological systems. Here, we describe two simplified models, a reduced-lipid model and a bola-lipid...
Pojmom „burned-out tumour“ sa označuje zriedkavá klinická entita, ktorá sa prezentuje spontánnou a kompletnou regresiou testikulárneho nádoru bez predchádzajúcej liečby pri náleze metastáz v retroperitoneu, v mediastíne, v lymfatických uzlinách, v pľúcach alebo v pečeni. Opisujeme prípad 55-ročného pacienta s bolesťami v pravej driekovej oblasti, u ktorého bola CT vyšetrením zistená tumorózna m...
Štatistické spracovanie modelovej pevnosti pri razení prieskumnej štôlne Branisko. Počas razenia východnej časti prieskumnej štôlne Branisko bol na plnoprofilový raziaci stroj Wirth TBII-330-H/M inštalovaný monitorovací a optimalizačný systém WORS, vyvinutý na Ústave geotechniky SAV. Systém umožňoval výpočty v reálnom čase veličín ako špecifická energia rozpojovania a odporučený prítlak raziace...
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