نتایج جستجو برای: and philosophical consideration

تعداد نتایج: 16836256  

Journal: :Kragujevac journal of mathematics 2021

The logical environment of this research is the Intuitionistic Logic and principled-philosophical orientation Bishop’s Constructive Mathematics. In paper, basing our consideration on sets with apartness relation, we analyze lattices all co-filters an ordered semigroup under a co-quasiorder as continuation article [?]. We prove number results related to in lattice such semigroups.

  Background and Aim: Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze is one of the most important and influential philosophies in the 20th century. Aim of this article is to discuss rhizomatic thought in nursing. This is the first of two papers, explaining philosophical bases of rhizomatic thought.   Material and Method: A literature search was conducted using CINAHL, Proquest, PsychINFO, Social Sciences Index, ...


THE Society of Arts and Sciences at Utrecht have propofed the following queftion for a prize of thirty ducats: " Is the planting of trees in great towns and their environs falutary, or hurtful to the health of the inhabitants j Do their exhalations purify or corrupt the air; and what fpecies of trees do the molt, or the leafl good or harm ? The diffcrtationsareto be fentto M. Van-Haeften, Secre...

H. Pott

Chemift was born at Halberftadt in 1692, and graduated at Halle in Saxony. His inaugural difcourfe was on the fulphur of metals. In 1718 he was admitted of the Academy, and about the fame time was appointed Profeffor of the Theory of Chemiftry in the College of Phyfic and Surgery at Berlin. He died on the 29th of March 1777, aged eighty-five years, leaving feveral daughters. His Lithogeogncfia ...


TH E academy of fciences at Dijon hav<* propofed the following fubjeft for a prizp of three hundred livres value : "To determine " with greater precifion than hath been hitherto u done, the charafteriftic fymptoms of intermit" .tent fevers, and to point out in the cleareft " manner the circumftances in which febrifuge " remedies may be employed with advantage, ki and without danger to the lick....

Journal: :فلسفه و کلام اسلامی 0
سعید انواری استادیار فلسفه و کلام اسلامی، گروه فلسفه، دانشگاه علامۀ طباطبائی فائزه کلباسی دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد فلسفه و کلام اسلامی، دانشگاه علامۀ طباطبائی

the present paper, through the linguistic analysis of mulla sadra&apos;s philosophical views, has shown that a single linguistic model can be applied to the analysis of all his philosophical views. to this end, based on two linguistic theories regarding the semantic structure of derivation, it is illustrated that mulla sadra’s philosophical views conform to the linguistic model of semantic simp...

Lucky Osaretin Odia

Growing number of scholars in sociology has come to terms that sociology, like everything else, is a product of particular historical conditions. As there is sociology of everything. You can turn on your sociological eye no matter where you are or what you are doing, taking for example, the latent reasoning usually adopted by sociologist in viewing issues as against some others who ignorantly e...

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