Z. Du
Northeast Normal University
[ 1 ] - On reverse degree distance of unicyclic graphs
The reverse degree distance of a connected graph $G$ is defined in discrete mathematical chemistry as [ r (G)=2(n-1)md-sum_{uin V(G)}d_G(u)D_G(u), ] where $n$, $m$ and $d$ are the number of vertices, the number of edges and the diameter of $G$, respectively, $d_G(u)$ is the degree of vertex $u$, $D_G(u)$ is the sum of distance between vertex $u$ and all other vertices of $G$, and $V(G)$ is the...
[ 2 ] - Relationships between Randic index and other topological indices
Let $G$ be a graph with vertex set $V(G)$ and edge set $E(G)$, and let $d_u$ denote the degree of vertex $u$ in $G$. The Randi'c index of $G$ is defined as${R}(G) =sum_{uvin E(G)} 1/sqrt{d_ud_v}.$In this paper, we investigate the relationships between Randi'cindex and several topological indices.
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