Xiang Zhang

Department of Mathematics, Zunyi Normal College Shanghai Road, Zunyi 563000, P.R. China

[ 1 ] - Investigation on the Hermitian matrix expression‎ ‎subject to some consistent equations

In this paper‎, ‎we study the extremal‎ ‎ranks and inertias of the Hermitian matrix expression $$‎ ‎f(X,Y)=C_{4}-B_{4}Y-(B_{4}Y)^{*}-A_{4}XA_{4}^{*},$$ where $C_{4}$ is‎ ‎Hermitian‎, ‎$*$ denotes the conjugate transpose‎, ‎$X$ and $Y$ satisfy‎ ‎the following consistent system of matrix equations $A_{3}Y=C_{3}‎, ‎A_{1}X=C_{1},XB_{1}=D_{1},A_{2}XA_{2}^{*}=C_{2},X=X^{*}.$ As‎ ‎consequences‎, ‎we g...

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