M. R. Koushesh
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156--83111, Iran, and, School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P.O. Box: 19395--5746, Tehran, Iran.
[ 1 ] - Embedding normed linear spaces into $C(X)$
It is well known that every (real or complex) normed linear space $L$ is isometrically embeddable into $C(X)$ for some compact Hausdorff space $X$. Here $X$ is the closed unit ball of $L^*$ (the set of all continuous scalar-valued linear mappings on $L$) endowed with the weak$^*$ topology, which is compact by the Banach--Alaoglu theorem. We prove that the compact Hausdorff space $X$ can ...
[ 2 ] - Embedding measure spaces
For a given measure space $(X,{mathscr B},mu)$ we construct all measure spaces $(Y,{mathscr C},lambda)$ in which $(X,{mathscr B},mu)$ is embeddable. The construction is modeled on the ultrafilter construction of the Stone--v{C}ech compactification of a completely regular topological space. Under certain conditions the construction simplifies. Examples are given when this simplification o...
[ 3 ] - One-point extensions of locally compact paracompact spaces
A space $Y$ is called an {em extension} of a space $X$, if $Y$ contains $X$ as a dense subspace. Two extensions of $X$ are said to be {em equivalent}, if there is a homeomorphism between them which fixes $X$ point-wise. For two (equivalence classes of) extensions $Y$ and $Y'$ of $X$ let $Yleq Y'$, if there is a continuous function of $Y'$ into $Y$ which fixes $X$ point-wise. An extension $Y$ ...