Somayeh Hadjirezaei
Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan
[ 1 ] - On the nil-clean matrix over a UFD
In this paper we characterize all $2times 2$ idempotent and nilpotent matrices over an integral domain and then we characterize all $2times 2$ strongly nil-clean matrices over a PID. Also, we determine when a $2times 2$ matrix over a UFD is nil-clean.
[ 2 ] - On the order of a module
Abstract. Let (R,P) be a Noetherian unique factorization do-main (UFD) and M be a finitely generated R-module. Let I(M)be the first nonzero Fitting ideal of M and the order of M, denotedord_R(M), be the largest integer n such that I(M) ⊆ P^n. In thispaper, we show that if M is a module of order one, then either Mis isomorphic with direct sum of a free module and a cyclic moduleor M is isomorphi...
[ 3 ] - On finitely generated modules whose first nonzero Fitting ideals are regular
A finitely generated $R$-module is said to be a module of type ($F_r$) if its $(r-1)$-th Fitting ideal is the zero ideal and its $r$-th Fitting ideal is a regular ideal. Let $R$ be a commutative ring and $N$ be a submodule of $R^n$ which is generated by columns of a matrix $A=(a_{ij})$ with $a_{ij}in R$ for all $1leq ileq n$, $jin Lambda$, where $Lambda $ is a (possibly infinite) index set. ...
[ 4 ] - A characterization of finitely generated multiplication modules
Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and $M$ be a finitely generated unital $R$-module. In this paper, first we give necessary and sufficient conditions that a finitely generated module to be a multiplication module. Moreover, we investigate some conditions which imply that the module $M$ is the direct sum of some cyclic modules and free modules. Then some properties of Fitting ideals o...
[ 5 ] - On the fitting ideals of a comultiplication module
Let $R$ be a commutative ring. In this paper we assert some properties of finitely generated comultiplication modules and Fitting ideals of them.
[ 6 ] - Almost uniserial modules
An R-module M is called Almost uniserial module, if any two non-isomorphic submodules of M are linearly ordered by inclusion. In this paper, we investigate some properties of Almost uniserial modules. We show that every finitely generated Almost uniserial module over a Noetherian ring, is torsion or torsionfree. Also the construction of a torsion Almost uniserial modules whose first nonzero Fit...
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