بهروز میرزایی ضیاپور

استاد گروه مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران

[ 1 ] - مطالعه تاثیر استفاده از بازتابنده اشعه نزدیک به مادون قرمز و گردآورنده خورشیدی بر گرمایش گلخانه و ممانعت از ورود پرندگان و حشرات

در گلخانه‌های خورشیدی ­و برای دفع گرمای غیر­ضروری از روش تهویه طبیعی و باز­کردن دریچه­های گلخانه استفاده می­شود. چنین فرآیندی باعث ورود آفات به گلخانه و خسارت­های جانبی می‌گردد. در کار پیش‌رو نوع جدیدی از گلخانه­های خورشیدی شبیه­سازی و ارایه شده­است که با استفاده از پوششی مخصوص بر­روی سقف گلخانه، از ورود اشعه نزدیک مادون قرمز به داخل گلخانه جلوگیری می­کند تا مانع گرم شدن غیر­ضروری گلخانه در فصو...

[ 2 ] - Numerical Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Wavy Absorber Solar Collector Based on the Second Law Analysis

Literature about entropy generation analysis of a wavy enclosure is scare. In this paper. a FORTRAN cod using an explicit finite-volume method was provided for estimating the entropy production due to the natural convection heat transfer in a cosine wavy absorber solar collector. The volumetric entropy generation terms both the heat transfer term and the friction term were straightly calculated...

[ 3 ] - More about Thermosyphone Rankine Cycle Performance Enhancement (RESEARCH NOTE)

The heat pipe applications have been coupled with the renewable energy such as solar energy, waste heat and geothermal energy. Thermosyphon Rankine Cycle (TRC) is a vertical wickless heat pipe engine. In this engine, the turbine is installed between the insulated section and a condenser section of thermosyphon. The mechanical energy developed by the turbine can be converted to electricity, by d...

[ 4 ] - Numerical study of flow and heat transfer characteristics of CuO/H2O nanofluid within a mini tube

Nanofluids are new heat transfer fluids, which improve thermal performance while reducing the size of systems. In this study, the numerical domain as a three-dimensional copper mini tube was simulated to study the characteristics of flow and heat transfer of CuO/H2O nanofluid, flowed horizontally within it. The selected model for this study was a two-phase mixture model. The results ...