Moghareh Abed, Ahmad
[ 1 ] - Comparison of silk sutures and 2–ethyl–cyanoacrylate on wound closure following surgical crown lengthening using apically positioned flap surgery
Comparison of silk sutures and 2–ethyl–cyanoacrylate on wound closure following surgical crown lengthening using apically positioned flap surgery Dr. A. Moghareh Abed* - Dr. M. E'tesampoor*** Assistant Professor of Periodontics Dept., Faculty of Dentistry, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. ** Dentist. Background and Aim: The use of cyanoacrylate tissue glue as an alternative to silk sutur...
[ 2 ] - Comparison of the use of silk sutures and cyanoacrylate tissue glue after periodontal flaps in patients with moderate periodontitis
Comparison of the use of silk sutures and cyanoacrylate tissue glue after periodontal flaps in patients with moderate periodontitis Dr. A. Mogharehabed* - Dr. SH. Mirmohammadi** *- Assistant Professor of Periodontics Dept. - Faculty of Dentistry – Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. **- Dentist. Background and Aim: The use of silk suturing materials and cyanoacrylate tissue glue are common ...
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