Alavinia, Seyed Hassan

University of Kashan

[ 1 ] - Analysis of the balance of groundwater resources in order to study the stress on the aquifer in arid areas

In this study the recharge and discharge of Isfahan-borkhar aquifer was investigated. This leads to long-term management of the aquifer and will make appropriate decisions by planners. The results of this study showed that the water table was constantly decreasing over the selected statistical period. The water table level was reduced by 0.46m per year, which reflects the fact that the aquifer ...

[ 2 ] - Analysis of Extreme Temperature Change Trend under Future Scenarios in order to Assess Climate Fluctuations (Case Study: Sanandaj and Saghez Synoptic Stations)

Climate change is a phenomenon that has affected natural ecosystems and all aspects of human life in recent years. Therefore, identifying and predicting climate change can greatly help manage it and reduce its harmful effects. The purpose of the present study is to identify whether or not occurrence of climate change by extreme indices including TXx and TNn during 1961-2015. In addition, CanESM...

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