Parsa, Elham

Department of Traditional Medicine, School of Traditional Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Concept Analysis of Thirst as a Symptom and Its Causes From the Perspective of Iranian Traditional Medicine: A Hybrid Model Study

Objective Thirst (Attash) is a diagnostic sign of diseases from the perspective of Iranian Traditional Medicine (ITM).The purpose of this study is to provide a functional definition for the concept of thirst and its causes in ITM. Methods In this study, we used the concept analysis (hybrid model) which has three phases; in the theoretical phase, the content related to the definition of thirst ...

[ 2 ] - Major and minor criteria for gastric dystemperaments in Persian Medicine: Sari gastric dystemperament criteria-I (SGDC-I)

Background: Gastric disorders are one of the most common human ailments, which impose a huge economic burden on countries. In Persian Medicine (PM), it is possible to predict the susceptibility to gastric diseases with diagnosis of gastric Mizajes (te...