Aghajari Khazaei, Shiva

Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute – Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecology Research Center

[ 1 ] - Macrobenthos-sediment composition relationships Hormozgan Province coastal waters, Persian Gulf

Macrobenthos are benthic animals that live in or on the bottom sediments which used as a bioindicators to assess the presence of contaminants, in natural aquatic systems. This study aimed to achieve the relationship between sediment composition and macrobenthic communities, distribution. Sampling was done monthly in 2011-12 by a powerboat, and VanVeen grab with 0.04 cross section, were used for...

[ 2 ] - Water quality assessment of pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) at villages in northern of Tiab district, Minab area, Hormozgan province

The present study was conducted to evaluate some of the physic-chemical parameters(Temperature, pH, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, nitrite, Hardness, Nitrite- Nitrogen, Ammonia , Transparency and clorophyll a) affecting the growth of Western Pacific shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in 9 semi-intensive shrimp ponds (at the 3 farms) During a one period culture (six month) at villages in northern of Tia...