Goli, Sare

Isfahan university of Technology

[ 1 ] - Border Basis of an Ideal of Points and its Application in Experimental Design and Regression

In this paper, we consider the problem of computing the order ideal and the corresponding border basis for the vanishing ideal of a given finite set of points with multiplicity The ideal of points has different applications in science and engineering. In this paper, we focus on presenting some models related to a real experiment and show the role of our approach in providing good statistical p...

[ 2 ] - On Conditional Inactivity Time of Failed Components in an (n-k+1)-out-of-n System with Nonidentical Independent Components

In this paper, we study an (n-k+1)-out-of-n system by adopting their components to be statistically independent though nonidentically distributed. By assuming that at least m components at a fixed time have failed while the system is still working, we obtain the mixture representation of survival function for a quantity called the conditional inactivity time of failed components in the system. ...