D. Tensing

Department of Civil Engineering , Karunya Instittue of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

[ 1 ] - Enhancing Performance of Infill Masonry With Skin reinforcement Subjected To Cyclic Load

Masonry infill has been widely used as building material due to its cost effectiveness and availability.  The failure of these masonry infill walls during the past earthquakes have underscored the importance of ensuring the safety of the infill walls when it is subjected to lateral loads. In-plane and out of plane failures have been observed in many reinforced concrete framed building with maso...

[ 2 ] - Seismic Mitigation of Building Frames using Magnetorheological Damper (TECHNICAL NOTE)

The present study focusses on the damping force control of shear mode magnetorheological (MR) damper for seismic mitigations. Therefore, the semi-active MR damper which can control the vibration is analyzed both experimentally and numerically. Carbonyl iron is used as the magnetic particle and Castrol Magnetec oil as carrier fluid throughout the study. MR damper is designed and fabricated, and ...

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