Hassanzadeh Saber, Mohammad

[ 1 ] - Hybrids in fishes and their identification using microsatellite DNA markers: A review

Among vertebrates, most of the fishes are unique for the lack of acrosome in their spermatozoa. The sperm enters the egg through micropyle of the egg. This has facilitated heterologous fertilization in many fishes and led to hybridization and polyploidization. Hybridization is performed both in the nature and domesticated fishes. Today, some of the hybrids have high growth rate than their paren...

[ 2 ] - Genetic characterization of great sturgeon brood stocks- recommendations for the conservation management and aquaculture

The great sturgeon, Huso huso, is one of the most important cultured sturgeon species in Iran, which effective management of aquaculture production of this species requires knowledge of broodstock structure, mating patterns, and genetic diversity of broodstock. The aim of the present study was the application of microsatellite DNA analysis for genetic diversity assessment in the first generatio...

[ 3 ] - A review of artificial gynogenesis in the Caspian Sea sturgeons

In sturgeon, female-sex rearing is economical and gynogenesis induction is one of the ways to achieve it. In gynogenesis, an egg develops without the genetic influence of the male, or on the other words, it is a method of reproduction in which the offspring are formed exclusively from the genetic information of the mother. In this technique, the sperm used must be genetically inactivated. Rays ...