رضایی, ریتا
مرکز تحقیقات آموزش بالینی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز، ایران
[ 1 ] - رابطه هیجان های تحصیلی با عملکرد تحصیلی دانشجویان پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز
مقدمه: در سال های اخیر به دلیل شناخت پیامدهای هیجان ها در حوزه آموزش و یادگیری، تحلیل موقعیت های آموزشی با رویکرد و نگاه هیجانی در محیط های آکادمیک افزایش پیدا کرده است. بر همین اساس مطالعه حاضر به نقش هیجان های تحصیلی مرتبط بر عملکرد تحصیلی دانشجویان پزشکی می پردازد. روش ها: پژوهش حاضر در قالب یک طرح توصیفی - همبستگی در بین دانشجویان پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز در سال تحصیلی 96-95 صور...
[ 2 ] - Needs assessment for standardized educational program for Iranian Medical Students in crisis and disaster management
Introduction: Early education and training are mandatory toraise the knowledge and awareness of the healthcare staff. Iranis a disaster prone area with a high number of emergencies.This study aimed to assess the need for disaster and emergencymanagement education for Iranian medical students.Methods: Using two-round Delphi technique in 2017, 15 expertswithin the field of disaster and emergency ...
[ 3 ] - The applications of virtual reality technology in medical groups teaching
Introduction: Virtual reality is a new method for trainingdifferent medical groups. Based on this technology, professionalsand students of various medical sciences can determine their levelof competence for medical treatment before any performance onthe patient. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify theapplications of virtual reality technology for training the medicalgroups.Methods:...
[ 4 ] - Program evaluation of an integrated basic science medical curriculum in Shiraz Medical School, using CIPP evaluation model
Introduction: In recent years curriculum reform and integrationwas done in many medical schools. The integrated curriculum isa popular concept all over the world. In Shiraz medical school,the reform was initiated by stablishing the horizontal basicscience integration model and Early Clinical Exposure (ECE)for undergraduate medical education. The purpose of this studywas to provide the required ...
[ 5 ] - Evaluation of medical education virtual program: P3 model
Introduction: In e-learning, people get involved in a processand create the content (product) and make it available for virtuallearners. The present study was carried out in order to evaluatethe first virtual master program in medical education at ShirazUniversity of Medical Sciences according to P3 Model.Methods: This is an evaluation research study with post singlegroup design used to determi...
[ 6 ] - The influence of parenting style on academic achievement and career path
Introduction: Several factors affect the academic performance ofcollege students and parenting style is one significant factor. Thecurrent study has been done with the purpose of investigating therelationship between parenting styles, academic achievement andcareer path of students at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This is a correlation study carried out at Shiraz Universityof M...
[ 7 ] - The effect of web quest and team-based learning on students’ selfregulation
Introduction: In this study, the authors aimed to examine theeffects of cooperative learning methods using Web Quest andteam-based learning on students’ self-direction, self-regulation,and academic achievement.Methods: This is a comparative study of students taking a course inmental health and psychiatric disorders. In two consecutive years,a group of students were trained using the Web Quest a...
[ 8 ] - Assessment of students’ perspectives about master of public health program in medical school of Shiraz University
Introduction: Integration of public health and medicaleducation has been thought to have an important role in medicalstudents’ training. Shiraz University of Medical Sciences hasdeveloped an MD/MPH dual degree educational program forthe talented volunteer students. The aim of this study was toassess the students’ viewpoints about various aspects of ShirazMD/MPH program.Methods: This cross-secti...
[ 9 ] - A brief description of Medical Education Master Program in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
As Medical sciences become more advanced andgrow each day, so do the challenges of medicaleducation. To overcome the new obstacles whichare an inseparable part of science evolution, it isnecessary to renew and improve the educationalsystem .Achieving this, requires individuals whoare educated in the new methods of learning andtherefore can lead others through educationalsystem development. Duri...
[ 10 ] - Needs assessment and evaluation of a short course to improve faculties teaching skills at a former World Health Organization regional teacher training center
Introduction: In the design of educational programs, much attentionhas been paid to teaching methods, needs assessment, an importantpart of the development of educational programs, generally isneglected. Another important aspect in educational program design isassessing effectiveness. The aims of this study were to design a formalneeds assessment program to define the core contents of a faculty...
[ 11 ] - Relationship between organizational structure and creativity in teaching hospitals
Introduction: Organization structure and manpower constitute two basiccomponents of anorganization and both are necessary for stablishing anorganization. The aim of this survey was to investigate the type of theorganization structure (mechanic and organic) from viewpoint of senior andjunior managers in Shiraz teaching hospitals and creativity in each of these two structures.Methods: In this cro...
[ 12 ] - Evaluation of the consultation program in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: Consultation and guidance is a process of learning which is donethrough the relationship between two individuals. In this mutual relationship,the counselor, through his scientific and occupational skills and qualification,tries to help the students using the methods corresponding to their needs. Themain objective of this study was to provide a framework for the managementof the ad...
[ 13 ] - Basic sciences curriculum in medical education
Introduction: Traditional methods are generally used for teaching basic science courses at Shiraz Medical School. Such courses are taught during the first and second years of a seven-year medical program. The goal of this study was to analyze teachers and students’ perceptions of basic science teaching in medical education.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the colleg...
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