سالکی ملکی, فاطمه

دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد علم اطلاعات و دانش شناسی و مسئول مرکز اسناد بنیاد پروفسور حسابی

[ 1 ] - سنجش میزان آسیب پذیری ساختمانی کتابخانه های عمومی در مقابل خطر زمین‌لرزه با استفاده از روش یاگر: بررسی موردی کتابخانه‌های عمومی بافت مرکزی شهر تبریز

Purpose: The aim of the research is identifying important factors of earthquake vulnerability in buildings of Tabriz public libraries in relatively historic texture of the city and ranking them based on identified and analyzed factors. Methodology: This work is an applied and descriptive research. Data and information of the research have gathered through scientific documents, checklist, field...

[ 2 ] - مکان‌یابی کتابخانه‌های عمومی با استفاده از تکنیک تاپسیس- فازی: بررسی موردی کتابخانه‌های عمومی شهر تبریز

Purpose: The aim of this research is to identify the  main criteria used for selecting the locations of public libraries based on an optimized model, Topsis-Fuzzy technique and using geographic information systems. The research also aims to investigate the identified criteria in the geographic space of Tabriz city. The research will be used to produce a map of convenient sites for public librar...

[ 3 ] - Applicability of BAT Model for Children Information Search Behavior in some Preschools in Tehran

Background and Aim: This study is set to represent information search process in the selected preschool children in Tehran (namely Mahgol and Taranom) and compare the results with BAT model. Methods: This is an Applied and comparative study with qualitative approach based on grounded theory. Research population was preschool children in Tehran from two different regions of city. Sampling was do...