Zahra Sahraei

Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Administration of Vancomycin at High Doses in Patients with Post Neurosurgical Meningitis: A Comprehensive Comparison between Continuous Infusion and Intermittent Infusion

Poor penetration of vancomycin into Central Nervous System (CNS) can lead to treatmentfailure. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare CSF concentration and serumpharmacokinetics of high dose vancomycin by continuous infusion vs. intermittent infusion inpost neurosurgical meningitis patients. Twenty patients were divided into two groups. Patientsin intermittent infusion group received...

[ 2 ] - Administration of Vancomycin at High Doses in Patients with Post Neurosurgical Meningitis: A Comprehensive Comparison between Continuous Infusion and Intermittent Infusion

Poor penetration of vancomycin into Central Nervous System (CNS) can lead to treatmentfailure. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare CSF concentration and serumpharmacokinetics of high dose vancomycin by continuous infusion vs. intermittent infusion inpost neurosurgical meningitis patients. Twenty patients were divided into two groups. Patientsin intermittent infusion group received...

[ 3 ] - Patients' Adherence to Tenofovir for the Treatment of Hepatitis B: The Role of Clinical Pharmacists

Tenofovir is an antiviral agent prescribed for patients suffering from hepatitis B. It is associated with some side effects such as reduction in the level of patients’ adherence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of clinical pharmacist consultation on patients’ adherence to the use of Tenofovir. In this prospective study, a total of 80 patients were enrolled into the study and we...