Y. Zuo

College of Mathematics and Statistics, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan 410081, P. R. China

[ 1 ] - The Extremal Graphs for (Sum-) Balaban Index of Spiro and Polyphenyl Hexagonal Chains

As highly discriminant distance-based topological indices, the Balaban index and the sum-Balaban index of a graph $G$ are defined as $J(G)=frac{m}{mu+1}sumlimits_{uvin E} frac{1}{sqrt{D_{G}(u)D_{G}(v)}}$ and $SJ(G)=frac{m}{mu+1}sumlimits_{uvin E} frac{1}{sqrt{D_{G}(u)+D_{G}(v)}}$, respectively, where $D_{G}(u)=sumlimits_{vin V}d(u,v)$ is the distance sum of vertex $u$ in $G$, $m$ is the n...

نویسندگان همکار

H. Y. Deng 1  

Y. Tang 1