Seyed Ali Mosayebi
School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - Effect of Rail Corrugation on the Amount of Train Induced Vibrations near a Historical Building
The evaluation and control of the trains induced vibrations needs even more attention in the case of underground tracks which passes near to monuments and historical sites. The rail corrugations which occur due to the wheels’ impulse loads during the operation period of underground railway tracks, usually amplify the ground borne noise and vibration. In the current study, the mentioned phenomen...
[ 2 ] - Investigating on the Effects of Random Irregularities of Railway Track by Half-Bogie Model
The vibrations produced by trains include two parts which are deterministic and random vibrations. Due to variation of dynamic loads and patterns of load-time, the random vibration of moving train is one of the most important issues in the field of railway engineering. One of the important sources in producing the train vibrations is rail roughness and irregularities. In this paper, responses o...
[ 3 ] - Dynamic Analysis of Axially Beam on Visco - Elastic Foundation with Elastic Supports under Moving Load
For dynamic analyses of railway track structures, the algorithm of solution is very important. For estimating the important problems in the railway tracks such as the effects of rail joints, rail supports, rail modeling in the nearness of bridge and other problems, the models of the axially beam model on the elastic foundation can be utilized. For studying the effects of axially beam on the ela...
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