Fahimeh Soltanian
Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, P. O. BOX 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - A numerical technique for solving a class of 2D variational problems using Legendre spectral method
An effective numerical method based on Legendre polynomials is proposed for the solution of a class of variational problems with suitable boundary conditions. The Ritz spectral method is used for finding the approximate solution of the problem. By utilizing the Ritz method, the given nonlinear variational problem reduces to the problem of solving a system of algebraic equations. The advantage o...
[ 2 ] - A Higher Order Online Lyapunov-Based Emotional Learning for Rough-Neural Identifiers
o enhance the performances of rough-neural networks (R-NNs) in the system identification, on the base of emotional learning, a new stable learning algorithm is developed for them. This algorithm facilitates the error convergence by increasing the memory depth of R-NNs. To this end, an emotional signal as a linear combination of identification error and its differences is used to achie...
[ 3 ] - Solution of Fractional Optimal Control Problems with Noise Function Using the Bernstein Functions
This paper presents a numerical solution of a class of fractional optimal control problems (FOCPs) in a bounded domain having a noise function by the spectral Ritz method. The Bernstein polynomials with the fractional operational matrix are applied to approximate the unknown functions. By substituting these estimated functions into the cost functional, an unconstrained nonlinear optimizat...
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