Mansour Parvaresh

Rasool-e-Akram Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Extra-axial medulloblastoma in cerebello-pontine angle: A report of a rare case with literature review

  Medulloblastoma is quite uncommon in the adult population and even rarer in extra-axial site in cerebello-   pontine (CP) angle. In this report, a 23-year-old male patient with a two month history of deafness, nausea, vomiting and ataxia is presented. Clinical and radiological findings demonstrated a heterogeneously enhanced extra-axial lesion in the right CP angle. Total excision was perform...

[ 2 ] - Pallidaldeep brain stimulation for the treatment of DYT6 dystonia: a case report and review of literature

  Little is known about the results of pallidal deep brain stimulation (DBS) in DYT6 dystonia. This will be the first report of DYT6 dystonia treated with pallidal DBS from Iran. A 21 years old male patient with DYT6 dystonia underwent bilateral deep brain stimulation. The target of DBS was the sensorimotor region of the posteroventralglobuspallidusinternus (GPi). DBS parameters included an amp...

[ 3 ] - Deep brain stimulation of globuspallidusinternus for DYT1 positive primary generalized dystonia

  Background : Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globuspallidusinternus (GPi) is recommended as a promising technique for the management of the primary generalized dystonia (PGD) with DYT1 gene mutation. We present the first report of DBS results in Iranian patients with DYT1 positive PGD.   Methods : Nine patients who suffered from severely disabling DYT1 positive PGD consecutively were recr...

[ 4 ] - Anatomical situation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) from midcommissural point (MCP) in Parkinson\'s disease patients underwent deep brain stimulation (DBS): an MRI targeting study

  Abstract   Introduction: It is demonstrated that the degree of clinical improvement in   Parkinson's disease (PD) achieved by deep brain stimulation (DBS) is largely dependent   on the accuracy of lead placement. In addition, individual variability in the   situation of subthalamic nucleus (STN) is responsible for spatial inter-individual   fluctuations of the real patient's target.   Objecti...