آتشی پور, سید رسول
[ 1 ] - تحلیل ارتعاشات آزاد ورق های بیضوی ساخته شده از مواد FGM
This paper deals with a free vibration analysis of functionally graded elliptical plates with different classical boundary conditions on the basis of polynomial-Ritz method and classical plate theory. The proposed admissible function is capable to obtain accurate natural frequencies of various classical boundary conditions namely, clamped, free and simply supported edges. The mechanical propert...
[ 2 ] - An Elasticity Solution for Static Analysis of Functionally Graded Curved Beam Subjected to a Shear Force
In this paper, using 2-D theory of elasticity, a closed-form solution is presented for stressdistributions and displacements of a FG curved beam under shear force at its free end. The materialproperties are assumed to vary continuously through the radial direction based on a simple power lawmodel and Poisson’s ratio is supposed to be constant. In order to verify the solution, it is shown that a...
[ 3 ] - Exact Elasticity Solutions for Thick-Walled FG Spherical Pressure Vessels with Linearly and Exponentially Varying Properties
In this paper, exact closed-form solutions for displacement and stress components of thick-walled functionally graded (FG) spherical pressure vessels are presented. To this aim, linear variation of properties, as an important case of the known power-law function model is used to describe the FG material distribution in thickness direction. Unlike the pervious studies, the vessels can have arbit...
[ 4 ] - Exact Analytical Solution for Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Annular Sector Plates
In this article, an exact levy solution is presented for bending analysis of a functionally graded (FG) annular sector plate. The governing equilibrium equations are obtained based on the classical plate theory. Introducing an analytical method for the first time, the three coupled governing equilibrium equations are replaced by an independent equation in term of transverse deflection. This equ...
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