آزادبیگی, سمیه
وکیل دادگستری، تهران، ایران
[ 1 ] - اختیارات و تعهدات اعضای کنوانسیون برن در مقررات سند پاریس مصوب 1971
Bern convention is an international treaty that consists of a number of countries as members. Viewing the provisions of the latest document, i.e. Paris Act 1971 amended in 1979, we consider that in point of view of its signers, countries have different specifications that change their positions in respect of their authorities and their obligations. Therefore, this article examines their differe...
[ 2 ] - بررسی حقوق هنرمندان مجری در اسناد بینالمللی و حقوق ایران
Performers are the ones who are protected by some of international instruments as Rome Convention, World Intellectual Property Organization’s Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) and Beijing Treaty. These persons are protected via related right system because they perform literary and artistic works. In Iran they are not mentioned in existing acts but the draft of new act which is pr...
[ 3 ] - قراردادهای نشر در حقوق ایران
Authors have some economic rights that are assignable. In many cases assignment of these rights is done by contract, but Iranian legislator don’t insert any article about this subject in 1969 ACT. This gap causes some practical problems, Although general principals in contract law have complementary role in this respect but as intellectual property right have specific nature, it is necess...
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