رستمی, صدیقه

دانشگاه شیراز

[ 1 ] - مقایسه کفایت اجتماعی دانش‌آموزان آسیب‌دیده‌ شنوایی دارای مادران با و بدون استرس

Background: The aim of present study is to compare the social competence ofmothes with and without stress who have hearing impaired students. Method: This is a casual- comparative study. For this goal we use 121 students (girls and boys) by in access method from exceptional schools of Shiraz City. The instrument to stress from (Koh et.al. 2001), and scale of social efficiency from (Cardigan,...

[ 2 ] - الگوی پاسخ به مداخله برای دانش‌آموزان با نیازهای ویژه

Background: Traditional intelligence tests and assessing methods to predict the future academic achievement of students with special needs have not been sufficient. Thus, recently, many researchers are looking for ways that they can contribute more effectively to academic achievement of students with special needs and predict their future success. One of the newest alternative methods for achie...

[ 3 ] - The effectiveness of parenting training for mothers with children with intellectual disability on Enhancement executive functions (attention, inhibition and active memory) and reducing behavioral problems of these children

Abstract Objective: Students with intellectual disability have less adaptation in the school and home environment than normal students, and the behavioral problems of these students are more compared to normal students. Also, these students have defects in executive functions such as attention, inhibition, and active memory, which has a negative effect on their cognitive, behavioral, and ac...