Mohammad Reza Khodashenas

PhD Candidate of TEFL, Torbat-e-Heydarieh-Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

[ 1 ] - Euphemistic Strategies Used by Iranian EFL Learners: Death and Lying in Focus

Euphemism is a communicative strategy used to frame a polite or less offensive language and to save people’s public face in communication. This study investigated the euphemistic strategies used by Persian speakers in situations associated with death and lying. Warren’s model of euphemism was drawn on as the analytic model guiding the study. To conduct the study, 60 male and female university s...

[ 2 ] - Patterns of Politeness in Teacher-Student Interaction: Investigating an Academic Context

Patterns of Politeness in Teacher-Student Interaction: Investigating an Academic Context AbstractThis study investigated politeness strategies used in instructor-student relationships, in an academic environment. To conduct the study, four university classes with different instructors were randomly selected, observed and analyzed. Brown and Levinson’s theory of politeness was drawn on as the an...

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