Nasrin Dehgardi

Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan 78137, Iran

[ 1 ] - Mixed Roman domination and 2-independence in trees

‎‎Let $G=(V‎, ‎E)$ be a simple graph with vertex set $V$ and edge set $E$‎. ‎A {em mixed Roman dominating function} (MRDF) of $G$ is a function $f:Vcup Erightarrow {0,1,2}$ satisfying the condition that every element $xin Vcup E$ for which $f(x)=0$ is adjacent‎‎or incident to at least one element $yin Vcup E$ for which $f(y)=2$‎. ‎The weight of an‎‎MRDF $f$ is $sum _{xin Vcup E} f(x)$‎. ‎The mi...

[ 2 ] - Reformulated F-index of graph operations

The first general Zagreb index is defined as $M_1^lambda(G)=sum_{vin V(G)}d_{G}(v)^lambda$. The case $lambda=3$, is called F-index. Similarly, reformulated first general Zagreb index is defined in terms of edge-drees as $EM_1^lambda(G)=sum_{ein E(G)}d_{G}(e)^lambda$ and the reformulated F-index is $RF(G)=sum_{ein E(G)}d_{G}(e)^3$. In this paper, we compute the reformulated F-index for some grap...

[ 3 ] - Signed total Roman k-domination in directed graphs

Let $D$ be a finite and simple digraph with vertex set $V(D)$‎.‎A signed total Roman $k$-dominating function (STR$k$DF) on‎‎$D$ is a function $f:V(D)rightarrow{-1‎, ‎1‎, ‎2}$ satisfying the conditions‎‎that (i) $sum_{xin N^{-}(v)}f(x)ge k$ for each‎‎$vin V(D)$‎, ‎where $N^{-}(v)$ consists of all vertices of $D$ from‎‎which arcs go into $v$‎, ‎and (ii) every vertex $u$ for which‎‎$f(u)=-1$ has a...

[ 4 ] - The minus k-domination numbers in graphs

For any integer  ‎, ‎a minus  k-dominating function is a‎function  f‎ : ‎V (G)  {-1,0‎, ‎1} satisfying w) for every  vertex v, ‎where N(v) ={u V(G) | uv  E(G)}  and N[v] =N(v)cup {v}. ‎The minimum of ‎the values of  v)‎, ‎taken over all minus‎k-dominating functions f,‎ is called the minus k-domination‎number and is denoted by $gamma_k^-(G)$ ‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎we ‎introduce the study of minu...

[ 5 ] - Nonnegative signed total Roman domination in graphs

‎Let $G$ be a finite and simple graph with vertex set $V(G)$‎. ‎A nonnegative signed total Roman dominating function (NNSTRDF) on a‎ ‎graph $G$ is a function $f:V(G)rightarrow{-1‎, ‎1‎, ‎2}$ satisfying the conditions‎‎that (i) $sum_{xin N(v)}f(x)ge 0$ for each‎ ‎$vin V(G)$‎, ‎where $N(v)$ is the open neighborhood of $v$‎, ‎and (ii) every vertex $u$ for which‎ ‎$f(u...

[ 6 ] - Outer independent Roman domination number of trees

‎A Roman dominating function (RDF) on a graph G=(V,E) is a function  f : V → {0, 1, 2}  such that every vertex u for which f(u)=0 is‎ ‎adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v)=2‎. ‎An RDF f is called‎‎an outer independent Roman dominating function (OIRDF) if the set of‎‎vertices assigned a 0 under f is an independent set‎. ‎The weight of an‎‎OIRDF is the sum of its function values over ...

[ 7 ] - On the outer independent 2-rainbow domination number of Cartesian products of paths and cycles

‎Let G be a graph‎. ‎A 2-rainbow dominating function (or‎ 2-RDF) of G is a function f from V(G)‎ ‎to the set of all subsets of the set {1,2}‎ ‎such that for a vertex v ∈ V (G) with f(v) = ∅, ‎the‎‎condition $bigcup_{uin N_{G}(v)}f(u)={1,2}$ is fulfilled‎, wher NG(v)  is the open neighborhood‎‎of v‎. ‎The weight of 2-RDF f of G is the value‎‎$omega (f):=sum _{vin V(G)}|f(v)|$‎. ‎The 2-rainbow‎‎d...

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