Andreas F. Mavrogenis

Department of Orthopaedics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine, ATTIKON University General Hospital, Athens, Greece

[ 1 ] - Epineural Sleeve Reconstruction Technique for Median Nerve Complete Transection

In microsurgical nerve repair, the epineural sleeve technique can be used to bridge short nerve defects and to coverthe coaptation site with the epineurium of the nerve stump. The epineurium serves as a mechanical aid to reducegap size, and increase repair strength, effectively assisting nerve regeneration.This article presents a 32-year-old patient who experienced complete transection of the m...

[ 2 ] - Aberrant Radial Artery Causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  Anatomical vascular variations are rare causes of carpal tunnel syndrome. An aberrant medial artery is the most common vascular variation, while an aberrant radial artery causing carpal tunnel syndrome is even more rare, with an incidence ranging less than 3%. This article reports a patient with compression of the median nerve at the carpal tunnel by an aberrant superficial branch of the radi...