Wolfgang Fitz
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA, USA
[ 1 ] - Total Knee Replacement Sizing: Shoe Size Is a Better Predictor for Implant Size than Body Height
Background: Various sizes of implants need to be available during surgery. The purpose of this paper is to comparebody height and shoe size with implant sizes in patients who underwent total knee replacement surgery to see whichbiomarker is a better predictor for preoperative planning to determine implant size.Methods: A total of 100 knees, belonging to 50 females and 50 males, were observed. P...
[ 2 ] - Early Regain of Function and Proprioceptive Improvement Following Knee Arthroplasty
Background: Techniques that allow early muscle activation, such as closed kinetic chain (CKC) and open kineticchain (OKC) exercises, may play a beneficial role in the early rehabilitation of the reconstructed knee. However,current rehabilitation regimens have not been shown to reverse post-operative quadriceps activation failureand weakness. To investigate whether patients who use a continuous ...
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