Kamran Alasvand Zarasvand

Shahrekord university

[ 1 ] - Effects of Nanotube/Matrix Interface on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Mechanical Properties

In this paper, experimental and Finite Element Methods have been used to determine mechanical properties of nanocomposites. Standard tensile and compression samples with 0.0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, and 0.55 weight fraction of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) were prepared and tested. Nanotube weight fraction was varied to investigate the effects of nanotube weight fraction on nanocomposite...

[ 2 ] - Investigating the Effects of Cold Bulge Forming Speed on Thickness Variation and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloys: Experimental and Numerical

In this work, cold bulge forming of an Aluminium-Magnesium (Al-Mg) sheet with a solid bulging medium is performed experimentally and numerically.  Mechanical properties and thickness variations of Al-Mg sheet are evaluated before and after the forming process.  The results indicated that the Al-Mg sheet has taken the desired shape without necking using the cold bulge forming process.  Also, the...

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