A. Hojat Ansari
Department of Mathematics, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
[ 1 ] - Some local fixed point results under $C$-class functions with applications to coupled elliptic systems
The main objective of the paper is to state newly fixed point theorems for set-valued mappings in the framework of 0-complete partial metric spaces which speak about a location of a fixed point with respect to an initial value of the set-valued mapping by using some $C$-class functions. The results proved herein generalize, modify and unify some recent results of the existing literature. As an ...
[ 2 ] - New best proximity point results in G-metric space
Best approximation results provide an approximate solution to the fixed point equation $Tx=x$, when the non-self mapping $T$ has no fixed point. In particular, a well-known best approximation theorem, due to Fan cite{5}, asserts that if $K$ is a nonempty compact convex subset of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space $E$ and $T:Krightarrow E$ is a continuous mapping, then there exi...
[ 3 ] - C-Class Functions and Remarks on Fixed Points of Weakly Compatible Mappings in G-Metric Spaces Satisfying Common Limit Range Property
In this paper, using the contexts of C-class functions and common limitrange property, common fixed point result for some operator are obtained.Our results generalize several results in the existing literature. Some examplesare given to illustrate the usability of our approach.
[ 4 ] - Some fixed point theorems for $C$-class functions in $b$-metric spaces
In this paper, via $C$-class functions, as a new class of functions, a fixed theorem in complete $b$-metric spaces is presented. Moreover, we study some results, which are direct consequences of the main results. In addition, as an application, the existence of a solution of an integral equation is given.
[ 5 ] - $C$-class Functions and Common Fixed Point Theorems Satisfying $varphi $-weakly Contractive Conditions
In this paper, we discuss and extend some recent common fixed point results established by using $varphi-$weakly contractive mappings. A very important step in the development of the fixed point theory was given by A.H. Ansari by the introduction of a $C-$class function. Using $C-$class functions, we generalize some known fixed point results. This type of functions is a very important class of ...
In this paper, by using C-class functions, we will present a coupled xed problem in b-metric space for the single-valued operators satisfying a generalized contraction condition. First part of the paper is related to some xed point theorems, the second part presents the uniqueness and existence for the solution of the coupled xed point problem and in the third part we...
[ 7 ] - $C$-class functions on common fixed point theorems for weak contraction mapping of integral type in modular spaces
In this paper, we use the concept of $C$-class functions introduced by Ansari [4] to prove the existence and uniqueness of common fixed point for self-mappings in modular spaces of integral inequality. Our results extended and generalized previous known results in this direction.
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