Mohammad hossein Shojaee
Faroogh Life Sciences Research Laboratory, Tehran, Iran.
[ 1 ] - The Effects of House Cooking Process on Residue Concentrations of 41 Multi-Class Pesticides in Rice
In current study, the effects of Iranian rice cooking method (Kateh) on residue levels of 41 pesticides were investigated. The pesticides were selected according to Iranian National Standards Organization (INSO) regulations and covered 18 permitted and 23 banned pesticides belonging to different chemical classes such as organophosphate, triazole, and carbamate. A 250 g portion of rice sample wa...
[ 2 ] - Method development for simultaneous determination of 41 pesticides in rice using LC-MS/MS technique and its application for the analysis of 60 rice samples collected from Tehran market
For the first time, a multi-residue methodfor simultaneous determination of 41LC-amenable pesticides in rice, belonging to different chemical classes has been developed in Iran by LC-MS/MS. The pesticides were analyzed simultaneously in a single run using positive electrospray ionization with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) after extraction with slightly modified QuEChERS method. The calibra...
[ 3 ] - The Effects of House Cooking Process on Residue Concentrations of 41 Multi-Class Pesticides in Rice
In current study, the effects of Iranian rice cooking method (Kateh) on residue levels of 41 pesticides were investigated. The pesticides were selected according to Iranian National Standards Organization (INSO) regulations and covered 18 permitted and 23 banned pesticides belonging to different chemical classes such as organophosphate, triazole, and carbamate. A 250 g portion of rice sample wa...
[ 4 ] - Method development for simultaneous determination of 41 pesticides in rice using LC-MS/MS technique and its application for the analysis of 60 rice samples collected from Tehran market
For the first time, a multi-residue methodfor simultaneous determination of 41LC-amenable pesticides in rice, belonging to different chemical classes has been developed in Iran by LC-MS/MS. The pesticides were analyzed simultaneously in a single run using positive electrospray ionization with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) after extraction with slightly modified QuEChERS method. The calibra...
[ 5 ] - Exposure to Aflatoxin M1 through milk consumption in Tehran population, Iran
Milk would be contaminated with Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) if it was obtained from lactating animal which fed with feedstuffs containing Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). AFM1 is classified as group 2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans and exposure to AFM1 through milk consumption is a public concern. The purpose of this study was to determine the AFM1 exposure through liquid milk consumption for adult consumers in...
[ 6 ] - Exposure to Aflatoxin M1 through milk consumption in Tehran population, Iran
Milk would be contaminated with Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) if it was obtained from lactating animal which fed with feedstuffs containing Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). AFM1 is classified as group 2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans and exposure to AFM1 through milk consumption is a public concern. The purpose of this study was to determine the AFM1 exposure through liquid milk consumption for adult consumers in...
[ 7 ] - Novel Application of Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Approach for Detection of Lime Juice Adulteration
The aim of this study is to investigate the novel application of a handheld near infra-red spectrophotometer coupled with classification methodologies as a screening approach in detection of adulterated lime juices. For this purpose, a miniaturized near infra-red spectrophotometer (Tellspec®) in the spectral range of 900–1700 nm was used. Three diffuse reflectance spectra of 31 pure...
[ 8 ] - Novel Application of Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Approach for Detection of Lime Juice Adulteration
The aim of this study is to investigate the novel application of a handheld near infra-red spectrophotometer coupled with classification methodologies as a screening approach in detection of adulterated lime juices. For this purpose, a miniaturized near infra-red spectrophotometer (Tellspec®) in the spectral range of 900–1700 nm was used. Three diffuse reflectance spectra of 31 pure...
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