Ahmad Daneshi
ENT Head and Neck Research Center and Department, Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran.
[ 1 ] - Total Endoscopic Approach in Glomus Tympanicum Surgery
Introduction: Glomus tympanicum (GT) is a benign primary tumor of the middle ear. The evolution of endoscopic ear surgery has allowed for an alternative approach to managing this vascular tumor. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an endoscopic approach in GT surgery, and also to investigate its applicability and feasibility. Materials and Methods: Prospectively, 13 class I and II patie...
[ 2 ] - Developing Persian version of Sensory Gating Inventory (SGI): Validity and Reliability
Introduction: Sensory Gating Inventory (SGI) measures behavioral aspects of Sensory Gating (SG). It is a filtering mechanism of brain that prevents irrelevant sensory inputs from entering into higher cortex information processing. It modifies sensitivity to sensory stimuli. Abnormal SG leads to overloading of information into cortex and brain dysfunction. Electrophysiological techniques cannot ...
[ 3 ] - Endoscopic Versus Microscopic Cartilage Myringoplasty in Chronic Otitis Media
Introduction: Operations on the tympanic membrane of the middle ear, myringoplasty, and tympanoplasty are now widely accepted, and attempts are underway all over the world to standardize the surgical techniques. This study aimed to compare postoperative outcomes of endoscopic and microscopic cartilage myringoplasty in patients suffering from chronic otitis media (COM). Mater...
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