Hu Zhao

College of Mathematics and Information Science, Shaanxi Normal Uni- versity, Xi'an, 710062, P. R. China and School of Science, Xian Polytechnic University, Xian 710048, P.R .China

[ 1 ] - Further study on $(L,M)$-fuzzy topologies and $(L,M)$-fuzzy neighborhood systems

Following the idea of $L$-fuzzy neighborhood system as introduced byFu-Gui Shi, and its generalization to $(L,M)$-fuzzy neighborhood system, the relationship between  $(L,M)$-fuzzy topology and $(L,M)$-fuzzy neighborhood system will be further studied. As an application of the obtained results, we will describe the initial structures of $(L,M)$-fuzzy neighborhood subspaces and $(L,M)$-fuzzy top...

[ 2 ] - Measures of fuzzy semicompactness in $L$-fuzzy topological spaces

In this paper, the notion of fuzzy semicompactness degrees isintroduced in $L$-fuzzy topological spaces by means of theimplication operation of $L$. Characterizations of fuzzysemicompactness degrees in $L$-fuzzy topological spaces  areobtained, and some properties of fuzzy semicompactness degrees areresearched.

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