Hua-Peng Zhang

School of Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommuni- cations, Nanjing 210023, China

[ 1 ] - Correspondence between probabilistic norms and fuzzy norms

In this paper, the connection between Menger probabilistic norms and H"{o}hle probabilistic norms is discussed. In addition, the correspondence between probabilistic norms and Wu-Fang fuzzy (semi-) norms is established. It is shown that a probabilistic norm (with triangular norm $min$) can generate a Wu-Fang fuzzy semi-norm and conversely, a Wu-Fang fuzzy norm can generate a probabilistic norm.

[ 2 ] - Boundedness of linear order-homomorphisms in $L$-topological vector spaces

A new definition of boundedness of linear order-homomorphisms (LOH)in $L$-topological vector spaces is proposed. The new definition iscompared with the previous one given by Fang [The continuity offuzzy linear order-homomorphism, J. Fuzzy Math. 5 (4) (1997)829$-$838]. In addition, the relationship between boundedness andcontinuity of LOHs is discussed. Finally, a new uniform boundednessprincipl...

[ 3 ] - Characterizations and properties of bounded $L$-fuzzy sets

In 1997, Fang proposed the concept of boundedness of $L$-fuzzy setsin $L$-topological vector spaces. Since then, this concept has beenwidely accepted and adopted in the literature. In this paper,several characterizations of bounded $L$-fuzzy sets in$L$-topological vector spaces are obtained and some properties ofbounded $L$-fuzzy sets are investigated.

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